Morning After Dark

Laura K (CAN) - March 2010
Morning After Dark (feat. Nelly Furtado & SoShy) - Timbaland

Starts after 16 counts (when she says "Go Timbaland")

Rocking Chair, Big Step And Slide With A Touch Twice
1&2& Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
3-4 Big step right to side, slide/touch left together
5&6& Rock left forward, recover to right, rock left back, recover to right
7-8 Big step left to side, slide/touch right together

Side, Behind, Ball Cross, Side, Sway, Sway, ¼ Sailor Left
1-2& Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right together
3-4 Cross left over right, step right to side
5-6 Bump hips left, right
7&8 Cross left behind right, step right together, turn ¼ left and step left forward (9:00)

Rock Forward, Recover, ¾ Turn Triple, Prissy Walk Twice, Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4 Turn ½ right and step right forward, step left together, turn ¼ right and step right forward (6:00)
5-6 Cross left over right, cross right over left
7&8 Chassé forward left, right, left

Right And Left Pretzel, Heel Switches, ¼ Pivot Left
1&2& Cross/rock right over left, recover to left, touch right heel forward, step right together
3&4& Cross/rock left over right, recover to right, touch left heel forward, step left together
5&6& Touch right heel forward, step right together, touch left heel forward, step left together
7-8 Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left) (3:00)

Cross, ¼, ¾ Turn Triple, Side Rock, Recover, Behind And Cross
1-2 Cross right over left, turn ¼ right and step left back (6:00)
3&4 Turn ½ right and step right forward (12:00)), step left together, turn ¼ right and step right forward (3:00)
5-6 Rock left to side, recover to right
7&8 Cross left behind right, step right together, cross left over right

Monterey With A Right Point, Kick Ball Change, Body Roll
1-2 Touch right to side, turn ½ right and step right together (9:00)
3&4 Touch left to side, step left together, touch right to side
5&6 Right kick ball change
7-8 Roll hips forward right, roll hips back left (weight to left)


TAG: At the END of the 2nd and 4th walls (1st tag is facing back, 2nd tag is facing front)
1-8 Vine right, vine left
9-12 Bump hips right twice, bump hips left twice
13-16 Roll hips in a circle (weight to left)