
LOUJO (IT) - May 2010
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift

Two step vine, step, heel, step cross, ¾ pivot right, shuffle forward
1,2 Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot
&3 Step back on right foot, touch left heel out diagonal to left side
&4 Step left foot back, step right foot across left foot
5,6 Turn ¼ to right and step back on left foot, turn ½ right and step forward on right foot
7&8 Shuffle forward left right left

Two step vine, step, heel, step cross, ¼ pivot right, shuffle forward
1,2 Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right foot
&3 Step back on right foot, touch left heel out diagonal to left side
&4 Step left foot back, step right foot across left foot
5,6 Turn ¼ right and step back on left foot, step forward on right foot
7&8 Shuffle forward left right left

Rock and recover, shuffle ½ turn right, shuffle forward, walk walk
1,2 Rock forward on right foot, recover on left foot
3&4 Shuffle turning ½ right ( right left right)
5&6 Shuffle forward left right left
7,8 Walk, walk – right, left ( or full turn to left, right, left)

Kick ball cross twice , sailor shuffle ¼ turn to right, stomp, scuff
1&2 Kick right foot forward, step right foot in place, step left foot across right Foot
3&4 Repeat 1&2
5&6 Sailor shuffle right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left, step right foot forward turning ¼ to right
7,8 Stomp forward left foot, scuff forward right foot

Start over again. Have fun