Share The Moment

Phrased Intermediate
Steve Rutter (UK) & Claire Butterworth (UK) - May 2010
In A Moment Like This - Chanée & n'evergreen : (Album: Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Compilation)

16 Count Intro’, Starting On the Word Remember.
Sequence: A, A, B, B, Tag, A, B, B, B, B, Ending.

Part A.
Section 1-Side Step, Cross Rock, 1 ¼ Triple Turn Left, Side Rock, Weave.
1 Step right to right side.
2-3 Cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right.
4&5 Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left, make a half turn left stepping back on right, make a half turn left stepping forward on left.
Option: For those who may not want to do the 1 ¼ Turn (4&5), replace it with a Chasse ¼ turn left.
6-7 Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left.
8&1 Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.

Section 2-(Hip Sways, Triple Step) x2.
2-3 Step left to left side swaying hips left, sway hips right.
4&5 Step left beside right, step right beside left, step left beside right.
6-7 Step right to right side swaying hips right, sway hips left.
8&1 Step right beside left, step left beside right, step right beside left.

Section 3-Step Forward, Spiral Full Turn Right, Right Shuffle, Forward Rock, Triple ½ Turn Left.
2-3 Step forward on left, make a full turn right on ball of left hooking right foot up in front of left shin.
4&5 Step forward on right, close left beside right, step forward on right.
6-7 Rock forward on left, recover weight back onto right.
8&1 Make a half turn left stepping on left, right, left.

Section 4-Forward Rock, Triple ½ Turn Right, Toe Touch, Side Step, Cross Rock.
2-3 Rock forward on right, recover weight back onto left.
4&5 Make a half turn right stepping on right, left, right.
6-7 Touch left toe across in front of right, step left to left side.
8& Cross rock right over left, recover weight back onto left.

Part B.
Section 1-Side Step, Cross Rock, Extended Chasse Left with ¼ Turn Left, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Left, Step Forward, Close.
1 Step right to right side.
2-3 Cross rock left over right, recover weight back onto right.
4&5 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side.
&6 Close left beside right, make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left.
7& Step forward on right, pivot a half turn left.
8& Step forward on right, close left beside right.

Section 2-Forward Rock, ¼ Turn Right, Samba Step, Weave, Side Rock, Cross Behind, Side Step.
1-2 Rock forward on right, recover weight back onto left.
3 Make a quarter turn right stepping right to right side.
4&5 Cross left over right, step right ball to right side, replace weight onto left.
&6 Cross right over left, step left to left side.
& Cross left behind right.
7& Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right.
8& Cross left behind right, step right to right side.

Section 3-Cross Rock, ¼ Turn Left, Kick-Ball-Step, Forward Rock, ½ Turn Right.
1-2 Cross rock left over right, recover weight back onto right.
3 Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left.
4&5 Kick right forward, step right beside left (taking weight), step forward on left.
6-7 Rock forward on right, recover weight onto left.
8& Make a half turn right stepping on right, left.

Tag (8 Counts) – To be performed after 2nd Repetition of Part B (Facing 12 o’clock).
1 Step right to right side.
2-3 Cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right.
4&5 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side.
6-7 Cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left.
8& Step right to right side, close left beside right.

Optional Ending.
You’ll be Facing 9 o’clock when you’ve completed your last Part B repetition, Add this Ending for a neat finish facing the Front!
1 Step right to right side.
2-3 Cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right.
4&5 Step left to left side, close right beside left, make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left.
6-7 Step forward on right, Pivot a half turn left.


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