
Peter Metelnick (UK) & Alison Metelnick (UK) - May 2010
Commander (feat. David Guetta) - Kelly Rowlands

** Dedicated to and in memory of Captain David Rickards – Cableship Captain **
Start after 32 count intro on verse vocals

(1-8) ¼ R jazz box with arm movements, R fwd rock & recover, R coaster cross
1-4 Cross R over L, step L back, turning ¼ right step R side, step L forward (3 o’clock)
5-6 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
7&8 Step R back, step L together, cross step R over L
Arm movements:
1: Make a cross crossing R arm in front of L arm at shoulder level,
2: Swing both arms out to side of head at shoulder level (think sides of picture frame),
3: Bring R arm horizontally over your head and L arm horizontally below your head (think top & bottom of picture frame),
4:Swing both arms to side of head at shoulder level (think sides of picture frame –same position as count 2)
5: Extend both arms forward as you do the rock forward and then bring arms back to your sides for rest of the dance

(9-16) L side rock & recover, L side ball step, L together, R side rock & recover, ¼ L ball step, R fwd
1-2 Rock L side, recover weight on R
&3-4 Step L together, step R side, step L together
5-6 Rock R side, recover weight on L
&7-8 Step R together, turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward (12 o’clock)

(17-24) L fwd, R touch tog, R back, L heel fwd, L tog, R side point, ¾ R Monterey, L side point, L kick ball change
1-2 Step L forward, touch R together
&3&4 Step R back, touch L heel forward, step L together, point R side
5-6 Turning ¾ right step R together, point L side (9 o’clock)
7&8 Kick L forward, step L together, step R forward

(25-32) L fwd rock & recover, ½ L shuffle, R fwd, ¼ L pivot turn, R cross shuffle
1-2 Rock L forward, recover weight on R
3&4 Turning ½ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward (3 o’clock)
5-6 Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (12 o’clock)
7&8 Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R over L
Ending: 7th wall. Dance first 32 counts step L side, hold. The End.

(33-40) L side rock & recover, ¼ L toaster step, R cross step, L back, R diagonal back, L cross step, R back
1-2 Rock L side, recover weight on R
3&4 Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (9 o’clock)
5-6 Cross step R over L, step L back
&7-8 Step R diagonally back, cross step L over R, step R back

(41-48) L diagonal back, R cross step, L syncopated coaster, R fwd, L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross step, R side
1-2 Step L diagonally back, cross step R over L
&3-5 Straightening up to the side wall step L back, step R together, L forward, step R forward
6&7-8 Step L forward, pivot ¼ right, cross step L over R, step R side (12 o’clock)

(49-56) L & R syncopated back rock steps, R fwd rock & recover, ½ R shuffle
1-2 Rock L back, recover weight on R
&3-4 Step L side, rock R back, recover weight on L
5-6 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
7&8 Turning ½ right step R forward, step L together, step R forward (6 o’clock)

(57-64) L syncopated cross rock step, R forward rock step, ½ R & R fwd, L fwd, ½ R pivot turn, L fwd
1-2 Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R
&3-4 Step L next to R, rock R forward, recover weight on L
5-8 Turning ½ right step R forward, step L forward, pivot ½ right, step L forward (6 o’clock)

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