
Robert Dangerfield (UK) - August 2010
Dynamite - Taio Cruz

16 count intro

Section 1: Side step, together, side chasse, cross rock, recover, quarter turn shuffle
1-2 Step right to right, step left next to right
3&4 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right
5-6 Cross rock left over right, recover back onto right
7&8 Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left making a quarter turn left (9.00)

Section 2: Cross back side hold x2, Cross back, side chasse
1&2& Cross step right over left, step left back, step right to right, hold
3&4& Cross step left over right, step right back, step left to left, hold
5-6 Cross step right over left, step left back
7&8 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right

Section 3: Step half turn, heel swivels, unwind half turn, heel swivels
1-2 Step left forward making a quarter turn left, step right forward making a quarter turn left (3.00)
3&4 Move heels, right, left and back to the centre
5-6 Point right across left and unwind half a turn left (9.00)
7&8 Move heels left, right and back to the centre

Section 4: Forward chasse, step half turn, full turn, forward chasse
1&2 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
3-4 Step forward left making a half turn right, step forward right (3.00)
5-6 Step forward left, right making a full turn left (3.00)
7&8 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward

Section 5: Rock and cross x2, back lock, coaster
1&2 Rock out right to right, recover left, step right across left
3&4 Rock out left to left, recover right, step left across right
5-6 Step right back, step back left locking left in front of right
7&8 Step back right, step left next to right, step right forward

Section 6: Cross rock recover, side rock recover, back rock recover, heel jack recover, cross back quarter turn, quick weave
1&2& Cross rock left across right, recover back right, rock left out to left side, recover back right
3&4& Rock left back, recover onto right, show left heel to left diagonal, step down left
5-6 Cross step right across left, step left back making a quarter turn right (6.00)
7&8& Step right to right, step left across, step right to right, step left behind right

Begin again.

Any queries – please feel free to email me – dangermouse_1993@hotmail.com
