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Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - October 2010
Face To The Wall - Justin Trevino

20 count intro.

Vine Right, Touch Beside, Vine Left, Touch Beside
1,2,3,4Step R to right, Step L behind R, Step R to right, Touch L beside R
5,6,7,8Step L to left, Step R behind L, Step L to left, Touch R beside L

Step Scuff, Step Scuff, Rock Fwd Back, 1/4 Turn Touch
9,10,11,12Step fwd on R, Scuff L fwd, Step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd
13,14Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
15,16Making 1/4 right step R to right side, Touch L beside R

Side Rock/Replace, Behind Touch, Behind Touch, Rock Back Fwd
17,18Rock/step L to left, Rock/replace wt sideways onto R
19,20Step L behind R, Touch R toe to right side
21,22Step R behind L, Touch L toe to left side
23,24Rock/step back on L, Rock fwd on R

Step Scuff, Step Lock Scuff, Step Scuff Across Hold
25,26,27,28Step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd, Step fwd on R, Lock/step L behind R
29,30,31,32Step fwd on R, Scuff L across R keeping wt on R, Step L across R, Hold

NOTE: At the End of walls 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 please add the following 4 steps
1,2,3,4Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L, Touch R beside L, Hold

NOTE: To finish the dance at the front, dance up to count 18.
You will be facing the back wall… then do this
1,2Touch L behind R, Unwind 1/2 turn to the front.

What’s that old saying?
“Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind”….
That is obviously the case with some callous people!

See you on the floor sometime…. Jan

Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/