Try to Fly

Upper Beginner
Chris Mann (AUS) - October 2010
I’ll Try - Jonatha Brooke : (CD: Disney's Greatest Love Songs)

Begin with weight on left foot.

[1-4] Coaster forward, rock back, recover
1&2Step right foot forward, left foot together, right foot back
3, 4Step left foot back, replace weight on right foot

[5-8] Shuffle forward, pivot ½ left
5&6Step forward left, right, left
7, 8Step right foot forward, turn 180º left transferring weight to left foot

[9-12] Coaster forward, rock back, recover
1&2Step right foot forward, left foot together, right foot back
3, 4Step left foot back, replace weight on right foot

[13-16] Shuffle forward, pivot ½ left
5&6Step forward left, right, left (*)
7, 8Step right foot forward, turn 180º left transferring weight to left foot

[17-24] Sweep forward with point, sweep backward with point (aka extended Charleston)
1, 2Sweep right foot and step forward, sweep left foot and step forward
3, 4Sweep right foot and step forward, sweep left foot and point forward
5, 6Sweep left foot and step back, sweep right foot and step back
7, 8Sweep left foot and step back, sweep right foot and point back

[25-32] Side rock, recover, sailor ¼ turn right, rock forward, recover, shuffle ½ turn left
1, 2Step right foot to right side, replace weight on left foot
3&4Step right foot behind left, turn 90° right stepping left foot beside right, step right foot forward
5, 6Step left foot forward, replace weight on right foot
7&8Turn 180° right stepping forward left, right, left

[32] Repeat dance facing new wall

On wall 5, dance up to count 14 (*) and begin the dance again.

Contact: (chris DOT mann AT velocitynet DOT com DOT au)