Good Vibrations

High Beginner
Gerard Murphy (CAN) - September 2010
Good Vibrations (Glee Cast Version) - Glee Cast : (Single - 4:13)

Start point: FUN!! start is 68 counts in – after singer says “1,2,3,4.” (PLAY for the first 33 seconds!).
However, starting immediately after the first 4 beats of the drums works fine too!

Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward, Walk, Shuffle Forward, Walk
1,2Walk forward R, L
3&4Shuffle forward: R, L, R
5Step forward on L
6&7Shuffle forward: R, L, R
8Step forward on L

Step, ½ Turn, Step, ½ Turn, Step Forward Touch, Step Side Touch
1,2Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L (weight onto L – facing 6 o’clock)
3,4Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L (weight onto L – facing 12 o’clock)
5,6Step forward on R, touch L next to R
7,8Step L to L, cross touch R diagonally over L (with a straight leg)

Step Side, Together, Side, Touch; Step Side, Behind, ¼ Turn Left, Touch
1,2,3,4Step R to R, step L next to R, step R to R, touch L next to R
5,6,7,8Step L to L, cross step R behind L, step L a ¼ turn to L, touch R next to L

Rock Recover Coaster Step; Rock Recover ½ Turn Shuffle
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, recover on L, coaster step back – R, L, R
5,6,7&8Rock forward on L, recover on R, shuffle ½ turn over L shoulder – L, R, L

Start Over!


Last Update: 16 Jun 2023