Till The World Ends

Phrased Intermediate
JinLan Diong (MY) - April 2011
Till the World Ends - Britney Spears

Intro: 16 count - Sequence: AAAB-AAAB-AA-Tag-BA end.
Part A: 32Counts
Walk, Walk, Kick Step ¼ Turn, Point, Jazz Box, Touch
1,2Walk forward on Right. Left
3&4Kick Right forward. Step on Right ¼ turn right. point Left toe to side
5,6Cross Left over Right. Step Right slightly back.
7,8Step side on Left. touch Right beside Left (wt. to L) (3.00)

Rolling Vine Full Turn Right. Touch. Step, Hitch, Step, Hitch
1,2Make 1/4 turn Right step Right to forward. 1/2 turn Right step back on Left.
3,41/4 turn Right step Right to side. Touch Left out to Left side with clap.
5,6Step forward on Left. Hitch Right knee across Left.
7,8Step forward on Right. Hitch Left knee across Right.

Sway X2 Behind. 1/4Forward. Forward. Side. Heel (Basic) ¼. ¾ (Figure 4).
1,2Step Left to Left as you sway Left. Sway Right.
3&4Cross step Left behind Right. ¼ turn Right stepping Right to forward. Step forward on Left.
5,6Step Right to forward. Touch Left heel forward.
7,8Step Left forward ¼ Left. Make ¾ turn Left on ball of Left (Right foot figure 4)(6.00)

Jazz Box. Diagonal Forward. Touchx2
1,2Cross Right foot over Left. Step back on Left
3,4Step Right to Right side. Step Left together
5,6Step Right to Right diagonal (upper body faces Left diagonal) touch Left beside Right.
7,8Step Left to Left diagonal (upper body faces Right diagonal) touch Right beside Left. Dip counts 5 & 7 – attitude!(6:00)
TAG: Hold for 8 count (on WALL 10, facing 12:00)

Part B: 64Counts
[1-8] 1/2 Turn Walks, 1/2 Paddle Turn
1,2,3,4Make a 1/2 turn over Right shoulder while walking around Right, Left, Right, Left ending with feet together
5,6,7,8Make 1/8 turn to Left touching Right foot out; repeat; repeat; make 1/8 turn Left stepping Right foot down

[9-16] Walk, Walk, Cross, Back, Back, Hands Out, Out, Up, Down
1,2Walk forward Left. Right.
3&4Cross Left foot over Right. Step back on Right. Step back on Left.
5,6Roll Right arm out to R side. Roll L arm out to L side.
7,8Bring both arms up over head. Small jump out with feet apart as you drop hands to neutral.

[17-24] Small Jump Cross, Out, Cross, Kickx2
1,2Small jump across Left over Right. Jump out on both feet apart.
3,4Small jump across Right over Left. Jump Kick Left out to side as stepping Right on place.
5,6Small jump across Right over Left. Jump out on both feet apart,
7,8Small jump across Left over Right. Jump Kick Right out to side as stepping Left on place.

[25-32] Cross, Kick, Cross, Kick, Cross, Unwind 1/2 turn, Stompx2
1,2Step Right cross over Left. Kick Left out to side.
3,4Step Left cross over Right. Kick Right out to Right side .
5,6Cross Right over Left Unwind 1/2 turn Left.
7,8Stomp Right foot to Right side. Stomp Left beside Right.

[33-40] Anti Clockwise Hip Rolls Paddle Turn X4
1-8Point forward Right. Hip roll Turn 1/4 paddle turn Left x4.(ending with weight on R)

[41-64] Repeat 9 to 32 count

TAG: Wall 10 - Hold for 8 counts.

Ending: Complete A, you'll be facing 6:00: cross Right over Left Unwind 1/2 to face 12:00.
