Sex On The Radio

Bill Larson (AUS) - March 2011
Sex On the Radio - Good Charlotte

Intro: 32 counts

Knee Pop Turn, Kick, Step, Left Sailor, Right Sailor Turn
1Turn right knee in (raising right heel off floor)
2Turn ¼ right (turn right knee out) (3:00)
3-4Kick right forward, step right to side
5&6Left sailor step
7&8Cross right behind left, turn ¼ right and step left to side, step right to side (6:00)

Step Paddle, Cross Shuffle Roll Turn ¼, ½, ½, ½
1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right and rock right to side (9:00)
3&4Crossing chassé left, right, left
5Turn ¼ left and step right back (6:00)
6Turn ½ left and step left forward (12:00)
7Turn ½ left and step right back (6:00)
8Turn ½ left and step left forward (12:00)

Forward Rock, Sailor Step, Sailor Turn, Sailor Step
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4Right sailor step
5&6Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward, step left to side
7&8Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side (3:00)

Cross Side Behind Point, Cross Side Behind Step
1-2Cross left over right, step right to side
3-4Cross left behind right, touch right to side
5-6Cross right over left, step left to side
7-8Cross right behind left, step left to side

ON Wall 1, dance counts 1-32, then restart dance (3:00)
ON Wall 3, dance counts 1-32, then restart dance (9:00)

Heel & Heel & Heel, Heel & (Twice)
1&Touch right heel forward, step right together
2&Touch left heel forward, step left together
3-4&Touch right heel forward, touch right heel forward, step right together
5&Touch left heel forward, step left together
6&Touch right heel forward, step right together
7-8&Touch left heel forward, touch left heel forward, step left together

Forward Rock, Turn Shuffle, Forward Rock Turn Cha-Cha
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4Chassé forward turning ½ right stepping right, left, right (9:00)
5-6Rock left forward, recover to right
7&8Triple in place turning ¾ left stepping left, right, left (12:00)

Forward Rock, Diagonal. Shuffles Back Right, Left, Shuffle Turn
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4Turn 1/8 right and chassé back right, left, right (1:30)
5&6Turn ¼ left and chassé back left, right, left (10:30)
7&Turn ¼ right and step right back, step left together (1:30)
8Turn 1/8 right and step right to side (3:00)

Cross Rock Side Rock, Out Out, Hold, Knee Pop
1-2Cross/rock left over right, recover to right
3-4Rock left to side, recover to right
&5Step left diagonally forward, step right to side
6Hold (weight to left)
7Turn right knee in
8Turn right knee forward


TAG: ON Wall 7, dance counts 1-32, add the following 4 counts, then restart dance (9:00)
1-4Cross right over left, recover to left, step right to side, recover to left