Storm Warnin'

Hig Improver
Michael Diven (USA) - May 2011
Storm Warning - Hunter Hayes

32 count intro, start dancing on lyrics

Rock, Recover, Cross, Rock, ¼ Turn Recover, Skate x2, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn
1&2Rock out to right side with right foot, recover weight back to left, cross step right over left
3&4Rock out to left side with left foot, recover weight back to right foot turning ¼ turn right, step forward on left foot
5-6Step right forward on right 45 degrees, step left forward on left 45 degrees (skate, skate)
7&8Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left foot turning ½ turn right, step forward on right foot

Locking Shuffle, Mambo Step, Walk, Walk, Coaster Step
1&2Step forward on left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward on left foot
3&4Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left, step right next to left
5-6Walk back on left foot, walk back on right foot
7&8Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward on left foot

Step, ½ Turn, ½ Turning Shuffle, Step, ½ Turn, Rock, Recover, Cross Step
1-2Step right forward, ½ turn right taking weight onto left
3&4Turn ½ right then shuffle back right, left, right
5-6Step left back, ½ turn right on ball of left (ending with right toe beside left instep)
7&8Rock out to right side with right foot, recover weight back to left foot, cross step right over left

Step, Drag, Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn, Rock, Recover, ¼ Step, Step, ½ Turn
1-2Step left foot to left side, slide right toe up next to left instep
3&4Cross rock right over left foot, recover weight back to left foot, pivot ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward
5&6Cross rock left over right foot, recover weight back to right foot, step left foot to left side turning ¼ turn left
7-8Step forward on right foot, turn ½ turn left (weight ends on the left foot)


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