
Malou Bugarin (USA) - September 2010
Words (Remix) - Bee Gees

32 counts intro-start on vocal

Back Step, Forward Step, Rock, Replace, Weave to Right
1-2Take a long step back with LF, Hold
&3-4Step ball of RF next to LF, Step forward LF, step forward RF
5-6Rock LF to side, replace with RF
7&8Step LF behind RF, step RF to right, step LF slightly across RF

¼ Turn Right, Back Shuffle, ½ Pivot Turn Kick Ball Change
1-2Step RF forward with a ¼ turn right, step Lf next to RF
3&4Step RF back, step LF next to right, step RF back
5-6Point LF behind RF, ½ pivot turn to left, weight on the LF
7&8Kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, step LF slightly forward

Right Vaudeville, ¼ Turn Right 2X, Forward Shuffle
1-2&Step RF to side, step LF behind, step RF to side
3&4Point left heel diagonally forward, step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
5-6Make ¼ back turn right by stepping back with LF, ¼ turn right by Stepping RF to side
7&8Step LF forward, step RF next to left, step LF forward

Rock, Replace, Weave to Left, Forward/Back Mambo
1-2Rock RF to right, replace left
3&4Step RF behind left, step LF to side, step RF slight forward
5&6Rock LF forward, replace RF, step LF back next to RF
7&8Rock RF back, replace LF, step forward RF next to LF