ChaCha One

Ultra Beginner (Senior)
Anna Korsgaard (DK) - January 2011
Own Choice With Cha Cha Rhythm

To senior dancers not so fast tempo; You can dance the first 24 counts and then start from the top.
(Islands in the stream is good – intro : 16 counts)

Side together, chasse right, cross rock forward, chasse ¼ turn left
1 - 2Step right to right side, close left beside right,
3 & 4Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right
5 - 6Cross rock left over right recover onto right
7 & 8Step left to left side, close right to left , ¼ turn left

Right forward rock, triple step, back left rock, triplestep
1 – 2Right forward rock, recover on left
3 & 4Step right, left, right
5 – 6Left back rock, recover on right
7 & 8Step left right left

½ pivot, Lockstep, ½ pivot, lockstep(shuffle)
1 – 2Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
3 & 4Step right forward, cross left behind, step right forward
5 – 6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right
7 & 8Step left forward, cross right behind, step left forward

Right side rock, right cross shuffle, left side rock, left cross shuffle
1 – 2Step right to right recover left
3 & 4Cross right in front of left, step left to left step right to left
5 – 6Step left to left recover right,
7 & 8Cross left in front of right, step right to right step left to right