There's A Place For Us

Beginner / Improver
Ryan King (UK) - September 2011
There's A Place For Us - E.M.D.
There's a Place for Us - Joe McElderry

Intro: 8 (Start on the word Place)

Right Nightclub Basic, Left Nightclub Basic
1, 2&Take a big step to your right, Rock back on your left, Recover onto right.
3, 4&Take a big step to your left, Rock back on your right, Recover onto left.

Rock & Cross, Side, Behind, Cross Side Step
5& 6&Rock out on right, Recover weight onto left, cross right over left, Step left to left side.
7, 8&Step back on right, Cross left over right, Step right to right side.

Cross, Sway, Sway, Full Turn
1, 2Cross right over left, Step side right swaying to your right.
3, 4&Place weight onto left swaying left, Step ½ right, Step ½ left.

Right Nightclub Basic, ¼ L Turn, Pivot ½ Turn, Step Forward Left
5, 6&Take a big step to your right, Rock back on your left, Recover onto right.
7, 8&Step ¼ left on left, Pivot ½ turn Left stepping forward on right, put weight forward on left.