Matrimonial Waltz

Jan Wyllie (AUS) - October 2011
Between Husbands and Wives - Montana Rose

She sings ‘my love is precious’ start on the word precious.

Step Back Rock Back Fwd, Step Fwd Slide Touch, Step Back Rock Back Fwd, Waltz Fwd 1/4
1,2,3Step back on R, Rock/step back on L, Rock/Step fwd on R
4,5,6Step fwd on L, Slide R to left, Touch R beside L
7,8,9Step back on R, Rock/step back on L, Rock/Step fwd on R
10,11,12Step fwd on L, Making 1/4 left step R beside L, Step L beside R (9 o’clock)

Waltz Back 1/4, Fwd Side Rock/Replace, Behind Side Across, Side Hold Together
13,14,15Step back on R, Making 1/4 left step L beside R, Step R beside L (6 o’clock)
16,17,18Step fwd on L, Rock/step R to right, Rock/replace wt sideways onto L
19,20,21Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L
22,23,24Step L to left keeping R toe in place, Hold, Step R beside L

Across Side Behind, Side Hold Together, Unwind 1/2, Behind Side Side
25,26,27Step L across R, Step R to right, Step L behind R
28,29,30Step R to right keeping L toe in place, Hold, Step L beside R
31,32,33Step R across L, Unwind 1/2 left taking 2 counts (wt R) (12 o’clock)
34,35,36Step L behind R, Step R to right, Step L to left (sailor)

Behind Side Side, Back Hold Together, Waltz Fwd 1/2, Back Drag Together
37,38,39Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R to right (sailor)
40,41,42Step back on L keeping R toe fwd, Lift R toe off ground slightly, Step R beside L
43,44,45Step fwd on L, Making 1/2 left step back on R, Step L beside R (6 o’clock)
46,47,48Step back on R, Drag L heel to R, Step L beside R

Start dance again

*There is a 12 count tag at the end of walls 3, 5 and 8
Step Back, Rock Back Fwd, Waltz Fwd 1/2, Step Back Rock Back Fwd, Waltz Fwd 1/2
1,2,3Step back on R, Rock/step back on L, Rock fwd on R
4,5,6Waltz fwd L,R,L while making 1/2 left
7-12Repeat counts 1-6 again

Between husbands and wives there are many stories!!!
This has been just one of them (-:

See you on the floor sometime.... Jan