Don't Hold Your Breath

Sandy Goodman (USA) - November 2011
Don't Hold Your Breath - Nicole Scherzinger

16 count intro: start dancing on lyrics.

Stomp Side Right, Left Sailor, Behind-Side-Cross, Step Side, Rock-Recover
1Stomp Right side right (1)
2 & 3Step Left behind right (2), Step Right side right (&), Step Left side left (3)
4 & 5Step Right behind left (4), Step Left side left (&), Cross Right over left (5)
6-7-8Step Left side left (6), Rock Right back behind left (7), Recover onto Left (8)

Stomp Side Right, Left Sailor With Stomp, Right Sailor, Step Side, Behind-Side-Cross, Side
1Stomp Right side right (1)
2 & 3Step Left behind right (2), Step Right side right (&), Stomp Left side left (3)
4 & 5Step Right behind left (4), Step Left side left (&), Step Right side right (5)
6 & 7Step Left behind right (6), Step Right side right (&), Cross Left over right (7)
8Step Right side right (8)

Rock Back-Recover, Shuffle ¼ Turn Left, Rock-Recover, Coaster Step
1 - 2Rock Left back behind right (1), Recover onto Right (2)
3 & 4Turn ¼ left- Step Left forward (3), Step Right beside left (&), Step Left forward (4) 9:00
5 - 6Rock Right forward (5), Recover onto Left (6)
7 & 8Step Right back (7), Step Left beside right (&), Step Right forward (8)

Rock Forward-Recover, ½ Turn-Shuffle Left, Right Toe/Hip Bump, Step, Left Toe/Hip Bump, Step
1 - 2Rock Left forward (1), Recover onto Right (2)
3 & 4Make ½ turn left- Step Left forward (3), Step Right beside left (&), Step Left forward (4) 3:00
5 - 6Touch Right toe forward and slightly to the side- bump Right hip up (5), Step down on Right (6)
7 - 8Touch Left toe forward and slightly to the side- bump Left hip up (5), Step down on Left (6)
*1st four count Tag happens here on wall 1 (facing 3:00) and the 1st Restart ,
The 2nd Restart happens here on the 4th wall, (facing 12:00)

Walk Back (x4), Cross-Point, Cross-Point
1 - 4Walk back - Right (1), Left (2), Right (3), Left (4)
5 - 8Cross/Step Right over left (5), Point Left side left (6), Cross/Step Left over right (7), Point Right side right (8)

Right Jazz Box, Step Out-Out, Roll Hips (CCW), Flick Right
1 - 4Cross Right over left (1), Step Left back (2), Step Right side right (3), Step Left together (4)
5 - 6Step Right out side right (5), Step Left out side left (6)
7 & 8Roll hips around ccw to the left- weight ends on Left (7&), Flick Right behind left (8)
*2nd four count Tag happens her after the 6th wall (facing 6:00)

Begin Again!!!!

*1st Tag: After 32 counts on wall 1-facing 3:00. ( followed by the 1st restart)
*2nd Tag: After the completion of the 6th wall (facing 6:00), do the following 4 counts.
Right Rocking Chair
1 - 4Rock forward on Right (1), Recover onto Left (2), Rock back on Right (3), Recover onto Left (4)

*1st Restart: After the tag on wall 1, restart the dance from the beginning. (You will be facing 3:00)
*2nd Restart: Will happen after 32 counts on wall 4 - facing 12:00.