My Delilah

Smooth Improver
Jeannette Rosenbäck (DK) - February 2012
Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's : (Album: Every Second Counts)

Intro: 16 Count

Point Back, 1/2 Right, Shuffle, Step Turn, Shuffle
1-2Point right back, ½ turn right, Weight on right (6)
3&4Step left fwd. Right close to left, Step left fwd.
5-6Step right fwd. ½ Turn left (12)
7&8Step right fwd. Left close to right, Step right fwd.

Side Rock Behind Side Cross X 2 Left Then Right
1-2Rock left to left side, Recover onto right
3&4Step left behind right, Step right to right, Cross left in front of right
5-6Rock right to right side, Recover onto left
7&8Step right behind left, Step left to left, Cross right in front of left

2X Walk, Step 1/2 Turn Right, 1/4 Turn Right, Behind Side, Cross Shuffle
1-2Walk forward Left, Walk forward Right.
3&Step fwd. left, turn ½ over right shoulder stepping fwd. on right (6)
4turn ¼ over right shoulder stepping Left to side (9)
(On wall 10: Restart. (6)
5-6Step right behind left, Step left to left side
7&8Cross right in front of Left, Step Left to Left side, Cross right in front of left
(On wall 8: Restart. (12) After 22 counts, instead of cross shuffle.
7-8Cross right in front of left, Step left to left side

Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Side Behind Side Cross
1-2Rock left to left side, Recover onto right
3&4Cross left in front of right, Step right to right side, Cross left in front of right
5-6Step right to right side, Step left behind right
7-8Step right to right side, Cross left in front of right

Tag: after wall 3 (3)
1-2Rock right to right side, Recover onto left
3-4Right behind left, Left to left side

R1: On Wall 8 after 22 counts instead of cross shuffle.
7-8Cross right in front of left, Step left to left side (12) then restart

R2: On wall 10 after 20 counts, (6)

Ending: on wall 13 (12)
1-2Point right back, ½ turn right, Weight on right (6)
3-4-5Step left fwd. ½ turn right, Step left forward (12)

Dance, Smile and Have Fun!