Put Some Alcohol On It

Chris Veber Østergaard (DK) - October 2012
Put Some Alcohol on It - Gord Bamford

Vine Right, Stomp Up L, Backrock Kick L, Stomp Up Twice L
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right,
3-4step right to right side, stomp up left,
5-6rock back on left while you kick right forward in a jump, rock back on right,
7-8stomp left twice

Vine Left, Stomp Up R, Backrock Kick R, Stomp Up Twice R
9-10Step left to left side, cross right behind left,
11-12step left to left side, stomp up right,
13-14rock on right while you kick left forward in a jump, rock back on left,
15-16stomp right twice

Diagonal Step Forward R, Stomp Up L, Diagonal Step Forward L, Stomp Up R, Step Diagonal Step Back R, Stomp Up L, Diagonal Step Back L, Stomp Up R
17-18Step diagonally forward on right, stomp up left,
19-20step diagonally forward on left, stomp up right,
21-22step diagonally back on right, stomp up left,
23-24step diagonally back on left, stomp up right
Restart on the 10th wall

Pivot ¼ L, Stomp R, Hold, Stomp L, Stomp up R
25-26Step forward on right, hold
27-28make a pivot ¼ to left, hold
29-30stomp right, hold,
31-32stomp left, stomp up right

Restart: on the 10th wall. Dance to count 24, then Restart.

Last Revision - 16th June 2013