My Lover (P)

Improver - Partner
Yeoh Soo Choon (MY) - June 2009
My Lover by Coco Lee

Start at vocals

LADY’S PART [please refer hand movements to man’s part]
Prissy walk L R , Lock step, Cross rock , Lock step
1, 2Step L backward & cross behind R, step R backward & cross behind L ( 6.00 )
3 & 4Step L backward , step & cross R over L , step L backward ( 6.00 )
5, 6Cross rock R behind L , recover weight on L ( 6.00 )
7 & 8Step R forward , step & cross L behind R, step R forward ( 6.00 )

Chasse left, 1/2 R chasse right, 1/2 R chasse left , 1/4 R side rock
9 & 10Step left to left , step right next to left, step left to left ( 6.00 )
11 & 12Make 1/2 turn R & shuffle right R L R ( 12.00 )
13 & 14Make 1/2 turn R & shuffle left L R L ( 6.00 )
15, 16Make 1/4 turn R & rock right to right & recover weight on left ( 3.00 )

1/4 L Step to side, Together, Chasse right, Mambo step x 2
17, 18Make 1/4 turn left step right to right, step left next to right ( 6.00 )
19 & 20Step right to right . step left next to right, step right to right ( 6.00 )
21 & 22Rock back on left, recover on right, step left beside right ( 6.00 )
23 & 24Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right beside left ( 6.00 )

1/2 R back shuffle, Rock back, 3/4 L back shuffle, Mambo step & point R
25 & 26Make 1/2 turn right shuffle back L R L ( 12.00 )
27, 28Rock back on right & recover weight on left ( 12.00 )
29 & 30Make 3/4 turn left back shuffle R L R ( 3.00 )
[Lady turns under man’s raised arm]
31 & 32Rock back on left & recover weight on right, point left to left. ( 3.00 )

Tag: Add 4 cts sway LRLR after Wall 1 ( 3.00 ) , 4 ( 6.00 ) , 8 ( 6.00 ) 12 ( 3.00 )
Restart: During 10th wall dance till 28 ct & restart the dance ( 9.00 )
Note : Replace 27 , 28 ct to 27 & 28 as Right mambo step
27 & 28Rock back on right , recover weight on left , step right beside left ( 9.00 )

Ending : On 15th wall ( 9.00 ) dance till 12 ct , and pose at 13 ct ( 12.00 )
11 & 12Make 1/2 turn right & shuffle right R L R( 3.00 )
13Make 3/4 turn right on ball of right and point left to left. ( 12.00 )