I Wish I'd Known

Kate Henry (CAN) - March 2013
I Wish I'd Known - MacKenzie Porter

Intro: 16 counts

Side rock; Cross shuffle; Side rock; Cross shuffle
1-2Rock side R; recover onto L
3&4Cross R over L, step L to side, cross R over L
5-6Rock side L; recover onto R
7&8Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R

Side, behind; ¼ shuffle; Rock step; Coaster
1-2Step R to side; step L behind
3&4Step R to side, step L beside R, step R ¼ turn R
5-6Rock L forward, recover onto R
7&8Step back on L, step R beside L, step forward on L

Cross box; Side shuffle; Weave; Sailor
1-2Cross R over L, step back L
3&4Step side with R, step L beside R, step side with R (*Restart Wall 4; 6 o’clock)
5-6Cross L over R; step R to side
7&8Step L behind R; step R beside L; step L side L

Weave; Sailor; Rock step; ½ shuffle
1-2Cross R over L; step L to side
3&4Step R behind L; step L beside R; step R fwd
5-6Rock L forward, recover onto R
7&8¼ turn L, step L side L; step R beside L; ¼ turn L step on L

*Restart: Wall 4
Do first 20 counts, up to side shuffle
Add an & count –step L beside R; to begin dance again on R foot (&1)

Contact: kahenry@bell.net