Dance With Me Darling

Vera Kuiper (NL) - May 2013
Dance with Me (Just One More Time) - Mick Flavin

Start on Vocal

Twinkle LF, Twinkle, RF
1LF cross over RF
2RF step to the side
3LF step to the side
4RF cross over LF
5LF step to the side
6RF step to the side

Basic Fwd, Basic back.
1LF step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step next to RF
4RF step backwards
5LF step next to RF
6RF step next to LF

½ Turn left, ¼ Turn left.
1LF ½ turn left step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step next to RF
4RF ¼ turn left step to the side
5LF step next to RF
6RF step next to LF

Forward, Point, Hold, Backwars, Point, Hold.
1LF step forward
2RF touch out
4RF step backwards
5LF touch out

Twinkle ¼ turn left, Twinkle.
1LF ¼ turn left cross over RF
2RF step to the side
3LF step to the side
4RF cross over LF
5LF step to the side
6RF step to the side

Basic ½ turn left, Basic backwards.
1LF ½ turn left step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step next to RF
4RF step backwards
5LF step next to RF
6RF step next to LF

Step, Kick, Kick, Basic backwards.
1LF step forward
2RF kick forward
3RF kick forward
4RF step backwards
5LF step next to RF
6RF step next to LF

¼ Turn left, Kick, Kick, Basic backwards.
1LF ¼ turn left step forward
2RF kick forward
3RF kick forward
4RF step backwards
5LF step next to RF
6RF step next to LF

Start Again

To end the dance at the front wall:
Dance wall 7 till count 12 then LF behind RF and ½ right