Together Forever Waltz

Rene & Reg Mileham (UK) - June 2013
The Sweetheart Tree - Bobby Darin : (CD: Sings The Shadow of Your Smile & In a Broadway Bag)

24 count intro. - 116 bpm (faster beat)

Music : Falling In Love Again – Imelda May – Love Tattoo Cd (Slower Beat)
12 count intro - 91 bpm

Section 1: Step, sweep (making ½ a circle forward), twinkle. Repeat pattern
1-2-3Step Left forward, keeping toe touching the floor sweep Right out and forward over 2 beats
4-5-6Right twinkle
7-8-9Step Left forward, keeping toe touching the floor sweep Right out and forward over 2 beats
10-11-12Right twinkle

Section 2: Left twinkle, Right twinkle with ½ turn right. Repeat
1-2-3Left twinkle
4-5-6Right twinkle making ½ turn right (6.00)
7-8-9Left twinkle
10-11-12Right twinkle making ½ turn right (12.00)

Section 3: Small rock fwd, back, fwd. Side, side, cross. Small rock back, fwd, back. Side, side, behind
1-2-3Rock Left forward, rock Right back, rock Left forward
4-5-6Rock Right to right side, rock Left out to left side, cross Right over Left
7-8-9Rock Left back, rock Right forward, rock Left back
10-11-12Rock Right to right side, rock Left out to left side, cross Right behind Left

Section 4: Fwd, fwd, ½ Pivot, Fwd, fwd, ¼ Pivot. Side rock left, recover, close. Repeat with Right
1-2-3Step left forward. Step right forward. Pivot ½ turn left stepping forward. (6.00)
4-5-6Step right forward. Step left forward. Pivot ¼ turn right stepping forward (9.00)
7-8-9Rock Left out to left side, recover onto Right close Left to Right
10-11-12Rock Right out to right side, recover onto Left, close Right next to Left
