Truth Or Dare

Karen Hadley (UK) - March 2014
La La La - Shakira

Alt..... Dare (La La La) by Shakira or choreographers preferred version
(128 bpm...64 count intro) (Both available on iTunes and other download sites taken from “Shakira” album)

Choreographers note:- The dance is choreographed as a 2 wall dance, but because of the Restart on wall 2 the dance changes from starting on the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock walls to starting facing the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock walls from wall 3 onwards, hence why I have put 4 in brackets in the description, as all 4 walls are used although technically it's only 2 wall. (2/4 walls)

R Heel Grind, Coaster Step, Step L, Pivot ½ R, Shuffle ½ Turn R
1-2Dig Right heel forward, grind toes from left to right taking weight back on to Left
3&4Step back on Right, step Left beside Right, step forward on Right
5-6Step forward on Left, pivot ½ turn right (taking weight on to Right)
7&8Shuffle ½ turn over right shoulder travelling slightly back, stepping:- Left, Right, Left

R Back Rock, Recover, R Kick Out-Out, Bump L, Bump R, Behind Side Cross
1-2Rock back on Right, rock forward on to Left
3&4Kick Right forward, step Right out to right side, step Left out to left side
5-6Bump hips to left, bump hips to right (take weight on to Left)
7&8Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to left side, cross step Right over Left

Bump L, Bump R, Hitch L, Chasse ¼ Turn Left, Step R, Pivot ½ L, Shuffle Forward R
1-2&Bump hips to left, bump hips to right, small hitch with Left knee (taking weight on to Right)
3&4Step Left to left side, step Right beside Left, step Left ¼ turn Left
5-6Step forward on Right, pivot ½ turn left (taking weight on to Left)
7&8Step forward on Right, step Left beside Right, step forward on Right (3:00)

Full Turn R Travelling Forward, L Forward Rock, Recover, Back, Hold, Ball-Step, Step
1-2On ball of Right make ½ turn right stepping back on Left, on ball of Left make ½ turn right stepping forward on Right (Alternative:- Walk forward stepping:- Left, Right)
3-4Rock forward on Left, rock back on to Right
5-6Large step back on Left, hold
&7-8Drag Right back towards Left to step on to ball of Right, step forward on Left, step forward on Right

L Forward Rock, ½ L Turn Toe Strut, ¼ L Turn Toe Strut, ¼ L Sailor Turn
1-2Rock forward on Left, rock back on to Right
3-4Make ½ turn left touching Left toe forward, drop Left heel taking weight
5-6Make ¼ turn left stepping Right toe to right side, drop Right heel taking weight
7&8Cross step Left behind Right, make ¼ turn left stepping Right beside Left, step forward on Left (3:00)

R Forward Rock, Full Triple Turn R, L Forward Rock, L Coaster Step
1-2Rock forward on Right, rock back on to Left
3&4Full triple turn on the spot, stepping:- Right, Left, Right (Alternative:- Right Coaster Step)
5-6Rock forward on Left, rock back on to Right
7&8* Step back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left *(Restart here on wall 2)

Side, Hold, Ball Side, Touch, Rolling Vine L, Chasse L
1-2Step Right to right side, hold
&3-4Step Left beside Right, step Right to right side, touch Left beside Right
5-6Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on Left, make ½ turn left stepping back on Right
7&8Make ¼ turn left stepping Left to side, step Right beside Left, step Left to Left side

Cross, Side, Sailor Step, Cross, ¼ Turn L, Shuffle ½ Turn L
1-2Cross step Right over Left, step Left to left side
3&4Cross step Right behind Left, step Left slightly to left side, step on Right in place
5-6Cross step Left over Right, make ¼ turn left stepping back on Right
7&8Shuffle ½ turn left over left shoulder, stepping:- Left, Right, Left (6:00)

Begin again & enjoy :-)

Restarts:- On wall 2 dance up to count 48 and then restart from count 1 (you will be facing the 9 o'clock wall at this point, changing the start of the dance to the side walls instead of front and back walls).

TAG:- On wall 4 a 16 count tag is required as follows:-
Three Heel Switches R, L, R, Hold, R Coaster Step, Step L, Pivot ½ Turn R
1&2&Touch Right heel forward, step Right beside Left, touch Left heel forward, step Left beside Right
3-4Touch Right heel forward, hold
5&6Step back on Right, step Left beside Right, step forward on Right
7-8Step forward on Left, pivot ½ turn on Right (taking weight on to Right)

Three Heel Switches L, R, L, Hold, L Coaster Step, Step R, Pivot ½ Turn L
1&2&Touch Left heel forward, step Left beside Right, touch Right heel forward, step Right beside Left
3-4Touch Left heel forward, hold
5&6Step back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left
7-8Step forward on Right, pivot ½ turn on Left (taking weight on to Left)

Dance finishes on Wall 5, dance to end and then add ¼ turn left stepping Right out to right side with arms splayed out for a nice finish to FRONT!
