Seasons Change

Easy Intermediate
Margaret Warren (AUS) - May 2014
Only a Woman - Enrique Iglesias : (Album: Sex & Love)

Start after 16 Beat Intro on Woman, 2 Easy Restarts
Sequence: 32, 16, 32, 32, 16, 32, 32, 32, 16

R Point, Tog, L Point, Tog, R Heel fwd, Tog, L Heel Fwd, Tog, Fwd, Replace, Tog, Back, Replace, Tog,
1&2&Point R toes to R side, Step R beside L, Point L toes to L side, Step L beside R
3&4&Step R heel fwd, Step R beside L, Step L heel fwd, Step L beside R
5,6&Step fwd on R, Replace on L, Step R beside L
7,8&Step back on L, Replace on R, Step L beside R (12.00)

Side , Replace, Behind, Side, Cross , Side, Replace, Behind, Side, Cross
1,2,3&4Step R to side, Replace on L, Step R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
5,6,7&8Step L to side, Replace on R, Step L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R (12.00) *

¼ Turn R Shuffle, Pivot ½ Turn, Fwd, Cross, Side, Replace, Cross, Back, ¼ L Turn
1&2Turning ¼ R Shuffle fwd, R, L, R
3&4Step fwd on L, Pivot ½ Turn R, (weight on R) Step fwd on L
5&6Cross R over L, Step L to side, Replace on R
7&8Cross L over R, Step back on R making ¼ Turn L, Step L to side (6.00)

R Cross Shuffle, Side, Replace, Behind, R Side Shuffle, Cross, Replace, Side
1&2Cross R over L, Step L beside R, Cross R over L
3&4Step L to side, Replace on R, Step L behind R
5&6Step R to side Step L beside R, Step R to side
7&8Cross L over R, Replace on R, Step L to side L (6.00)

Repeat from beginning

Restart: Walls 2 & 5, Dance the first 16 Beats* Facing back wall both times
Start Again from Beginning

Dance ends at front on 9th Wall after16 beats* step R beside L
