Hit The Floor Easy

Witchy Woman - June 2014
Hit The Ground - Kique Santiago

Intro: 32 counts

Forward, forward, sway r,l,r, back, back, sway l,r,l
1-2Step forward R,L
3&4Sway R,L,R
5-6Step back L,R
7&8Sway L,R,L

Cross rock, recover, turn 1/4 right and triple forward, left mambo, shimmy shimmy.
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left
3&4Turn 1/4 right, step forward right, step left next to right, step forward right
5-6-7Rock forward on left, recover to right, step back on left
&8Shimmy, shimmy

Cross rock, recover, turn 1/4 right and triple forward, step together with left, twist x3 to left side
1-2Cross right over left, recover to left
3&4Turn 1/4 right, step forward right, step left next to right, step forward right
5Step together with left foot
6-7-8Swivel both heels to L side, swivel toes to L side, swivel heels to L side

X2 Kick ball cross, Bump Hip R, Hold, Bump Hip L, Hold
1&2Kick Right foot to the right diagonal, step the ball of R next to L, cross L over R
3&4Kick Right foot to the right diagonal, step the ball of R next to L, cross L over R
5-6Roll/bump right hip to right, hold
7-8Roll/bump left hip to left hold

Begin again and enjoy!

Contact: Laura Sheppard / email: lauramshepp@gmail.com