Silhouettes on The Shade

K. Sholes (USA) - June 2014
Silhouettes On the Shade - The Rays

Step-lock-step X2, Walk, Walk, Cha Cha Cha
1&2 3&4Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward, Step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward.
5 6 7&8Walk R forward, Walk L forward, Step forward R,L,R.

1/4 turn Jazz-box, Walk, Walk, Cha Cha Cha
1-4Step L to side, Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R 1/4 turn right.
5 6 7&8Walk L forward, Walk R forward, Step forward L,R,L.

**Box-step w/Cha Cha Cha X2
1 2 3&4Step R to side, Step L together, Step forward R,L,R.
5 6 7&8Step L to side, Step R together, Step forward L,R,L.

Step, 1/2 Pivot, Shuffle-step X2
1 2 3&4Step R forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left, Step forward R,L,R.
5 6 7&8Step L forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right, Step forward L,R,L.

#1 Tag: On wall 4 (9:00) skip **steps 17-32
1-4Step R to side, Cross L over R, Kick R to side, Step R behind L.
5-8Step L to side, Cross R over L, Kick L to side, Step L behind R.

Repeat above 8 count once more & Restart

#2 Tag: On wall 5 (12:00) finish pattern then Paddle-wheel 1/2 to left & 1/2 to
1&2&3&4Step R forward, Turn 1/8 to left, Step R forward, Turn 1/8 to left,
Step R forward, Turn 1/8 to left, Step R 1/8 to left.
5&6&7&8Step L forward, Turn 1/8 to right, Step L forward, Turn 1/8 to right,
Step L forward, Turn1/8 to right, Step L forward.

Begin Again! Enjoy!