Devil Woman

Phrased Beginner / Improver
Margrit Rettke (AUS) - June 2014
Devil Woman - Marty Robbins

Start dance on Vocal.

Section A - Count:32
Side rock, step forwards. x 2
1-4Rock R to side, step R forwards, hold.
5-8Rock L to left, step L forwards, hold.

Side rock, step forwards, pivot 1/4 cross.
1-4Rock R to side, step R forwards, hold.
5-8Step forwards L 1/4 turn right while transferring weight to right, step L over R.

Diagonal R and L lock forwards.
1-4Step R diagonal forward, cross step L behind R, step R forward, scuff.
5-8Step L diagonal forward, cross step R behind L, step L forward, touch R next to L.

R side together, 1/4 touch, L side together, touch.
1-4Step R to side, step L beside R, step R to side 1/4 turn right, touch L next to R.
5-8Step L to side, step R beside L, step L to side, touch R next to L.

Repeat Section A

Section B - Count: 16
Slow vine R, cross.
1-8Step R to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, cross L in front of R.

Slow Jazz Box 1/4.
1-4Cross R in front of L, step back L while turning 1/4 right,
5-8Step R to right, cross L in front of R.

Repeat Section B

Use sweeping motions in section B ( Chorus ).

Sequence: A,A, B,B, A,A, B,B, etc.

End dance with R and L side rocks
