Something I Need

Pat Megahan - August 2014
Something I Need - OneRepublic

Walk Forward x4, rock and cross x 2
1-4Walk forward right, left, right, left
5&6Rock right to side, recover left, cross right over left
7&8Rock left to side, recover right, cross left over right

Full turn, step tap x 2
1-4Step back right turning 14 left, step left forward turning 1/4 left, step forward right pivot 1/2 left, step forward left
5-6Step forward right, tap left out to side
7-8Step forward left, tap right out to side

Walk back x4, sailor right and left
1-4Walk back right, left, right, left
5&6Step right behind left, step left together, step right together
7&8Step left back, step right together, step left together

Shuffle forward, pivot, coaster, pivot
1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right
3-4Step forward left, pivot 1/2 right, left heel down for count 4
5&6Step right back, step left together, step right forward
7-8Step left forward, pivot 1/4 right (weight right)

Cross steps, rock, recover, step, rock recover
1-4Cross left over right, step right together x2
5&6Rock left across right, recover right, step left together
7-8Rock right to side, recover left
Restart dance here on walls 1 and 3

Cross Shuffle, rock, recover, back, together, cross
1&2&3&4Cross right over left, step left together 4 times
5-6Rock left to side, recover right
7&8Step left behind right, step right together, cross left over right

Pivot, prissy steps x4, forward coaster
1-2Step right forward, pivot 1/4 left (weight left)
3-4Step forward and across with right, forward and across with left
5-6Repeat 3-4
7&8Step right forward, step left together, step right back

Walk back x2, coaster 1/4 turn, sways
1-2Walk back left, right
3&4Step back left, step right back turning 1/4 right, step left forward
5-8Step right to right, sway right, left, right, left shifting weight


Dance ends wall 6. Dance 22 counts then Left sailor with 1/2 turn to left to end 12 o'clock
