Don't You Let Me Down

Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - August 2014
Don't You Let Me Down - Peter Criss

Intro 16 counts.

** Dedicated to my Brother Marcel Gomes. **

Section 1: Sway left. Sway right. Cross shuffle right. Sway right. Sway left. Cross shuffle left.
1-2Sway left left hip to left side. Sway right hip to right side
3&4Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Cross left over right.
5-6Sway right hip to right side. Sway right left hip to left side
7&8Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.

Section 2: Side. Behind. Chasse turn 1/4 left. Step. Turn 1/2 left. Shuffle forward right.
1-2Step left to left side. Cross right behind left.
3&4Step left to left side. Close right beside left. Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left.
5-6Step forward on right. Turn 1/2 left.
7&8Step forward right. Close left beside right. Step forward right.

Section 3: Walk. Walk. Shuffle forward left. Rock forward right. Shuffle back right.
1-2Walk forward on left. Walk forward on right.
3&4Step forward left. Close right beside left. Step forward left.
5-6Rock forward on right. Rock back onto left.
7&8Step back right. Close left beside right. Step back right.
Option: Replace steps 1-2 with a full turn forward over your right shoulder

Section 4: Behind. Side. Cross shuffle right. Rock right. Behind. Side. Cross.
1-2Cross left behind right. Step right to right side.
3&4Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Cross left over right.
5-6Rock to right side on right. Rock onto left in place.
7&8Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.
