
Phrased Improver
Wendy Loh (MY) - July 2014

Dance (Intro) starts immediately after 16 counts from beginning of music


INTRO (2x8)
12Step RF to side, Jump with both feet close together
34Step LF to side, Jump with both feet close together
56Repeat Steps 12
78Repeat Steps 34
Do this section twice

PART A (4x8)
Section A1: R Hip Drop 4x, Touch R Forward, Back, Forward, Step Together
&1Face body diagonally left (10:30) & Touch RF slightly forward & Lift R hip (&), Drop R hip & Clap hands (1)
&2&3&4Repeat &1 three times
56Touch RF in place, Touch RF back
78Touch RF forward, Turn body facing front (12:00) & Step RF beside LF

Section A2: L Hip Drop 4x, Touch R Forward, Back, Forward, Step Together
&1Face body diagonally right (1:30) & Touch LF slightly forward & Lift L hip (&), Drop L hip & Clap hands (1)
&2&3&4Repeat &1 three times
56Touch LF in place, Touch LF back
78Touch LF forward, Turn body facing front (12:00) & Step LF beside RF

Section A3: Out Out In In, R Mambo, L Mambo
12Step RF diagonally forward to R, Step LF to side
34Step RF back, Close LF together
5&6Rock RF to side, Recover on LF, Step RF beside LF
7&8Rock LF to side, Recover on RF, Step LF beside RF

Section A4: Out Out In In, Toe Switches, Chest Pop
12Step RF diagonally forward to R, Step LF to side
34Step RF back, Close LF together
5&Touch R toe to side, Step RF beside LF,
6&Touch L toe to side, Step LF beside RF
7&8Touch R toe to side, Push Chest out, Drop chest to neutral

PART B (4x8)
Section B1: Skate RLR, Jump, Skate LRL, Jump
12Skate RF diagonally forward to R, Skate LF diagonally forward to L
34Skate RF diagonally forward to R, Jump with both feet close together
56Skate LF diagonally forward to L, Skate RF diagonally forward to R
78Skate LF diagonally forward to L, Jump with both feet close together

Section B2: Skate RLR, Turn 1/4R &, Chest Pop 4x
12Skate RF diagonally forward to R, Skate LF diagonally forward to L
34Skate RF diagonally forward to R, Turn 1/4R & Step LF to side (3:00)
5678Slightly bend knees and do chest pop four times

Section B3: Turn 1/4L Step Together Step Jump, Step Together Step Jump
12Turn 1/4L & Step RF to side, Step LF together (12:00)
34Step RF to side, Jump with both feet close together
56Step LF to side, Close RF together
78Step LF to side, Jump with both fee close together

Section B4: Step, Hold, Forward Body Roll, Chest & Hip Movement
12Step RF diagonally forward to R (1:30), Hold
34Forward Body Roll over 2 beat
5&Push Chest out, Drop Chest to normal,
6&Slightly bend knees & Push hip back, Push hip forward
7&8&Repeat 5&6&

PART C (4x8)
Section C1: Step, Cross Touch, Step, Cross Touch - 2X
12Step RF to side, Touch LF over RF (12:00)
34Step LF to side, Touch RF over LF
56Repeat Steps 12
78Repeat Steps 34

Section C2: Hip Bump RLRR, LRLL
12Step RF to side & Hip bump to R then L (may do a figure-8 hip circle)
34Hip bump to right side twice
56Hip bump to L then R
78Hip bump to left side twice

Section C3: Forward Toe Struts, Jazz Box
12Touch R toe forward, Step RF in place
34Touch L toe forward, Step LF in place
5678Cross RF over LF, Step LF back, Step RF to side, Step LF together

Section C4: Star Steps, Hold & Body Roll, Touch & Touch
1&Turn 1/4L with weight on LF & Touch RF to side, Hitch RF
2&3&4&Repeat Steps 1& three times till you return to front wall
56Step RF to side, Hold step & Roll body to right
7Turn 1/4R & Touch LF beside RF (3:00)
&8Turn 1/4L & Step RF to side, Turn 1/4L & Touch RF beside LF (9:00)
(Styling : Face looking towards 12:00)

TAG (2x8) : Facing 9:00
1234Push hip to R, Hold for 3 beats (Styling: Straighten both hands out to R side of hip)
5678Turn 1/4R & Step LF to side & Push L hip to L, Hold for 3 beats
(Styling: Raise both hands making a V-shape)

1234Push hip to R, Hold for 3 beats (Styling: Hug your body)
5Push hip to L, Hold (Styling: Push Extend both hands out to side)
6Push Hip to R, Hold (Styling: RH at R hip, LH at L ear)
7Push Hip to L (Styling: Raise both hands making a V-shape)
8Balance weight on both feet, (Styling: Both hands on waist)

Contact: kickickwendy@yahoo.com