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This Is What It Takes

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Julia Wetzel (USA) - February 2016
This Is What It Takes - Shawn Mendes : (Album: Handwritten - 3:50)
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 12 seconds into track, start on lyrics ”Watch”)

[1 – 9] R Basic, Side, Behind, ¼, Step, ½ Pivot, ¼ Side, Behind, ¼, Cross Rock
1, 2&Step R to right side (1), Close L behind R (2), Cross R over L (&) 12:00
3, 4&Step L to left side (3), Step R behind L (4), ¼ Turn left step L fw (&) 9:00
5 - 7Step R fw (5), Pivot ½ turn left step L fw (6), ¼ Turn left step R to right side (7) 12:00
8&1Step L behind R (8), ¼ Turn right step R fw (&), Cross rock L over R (1) 3:00

[10 – 16] Recover, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ , ¾ Spiral, Side, Cross, Side, Touch
2&3Recover on R (2), Step L to left side (&), Cross rock R over L (3) 3:00
4&5Recover on L (4), ¼ Turn right step R fw (&), Step L fw and spiral ¾ turn right on L (5) 3:00
6&7Step R to right side (6), Cross L over R (&), Step R to right side (7) 3:00
8Touch L next to R lowering body by bending both knees (8) 3:00

[17 – 24] ¼ Sweep, Diag. Shuffle with ¼ Hitch, Diag. Shuffle, Diag. Step, Touch, ½ Unwind L
1Rise up and make ¼ turn left stepping L fw while sweeping R from back to front (1) 12:00
2&3Step R fw slightly cross L (10:30) (2), Step L next to R (&), Step R fw slightly cross L (10:30) and turn ¼ right on ball of R while hitching L (now facing 1:30) (3) Note: Move towards 10:30 while shuffling 1:30
4&5Step L fw slightly cross R (1:30) (4), Step R next to L (&), Step L fw slightly cross R (1:30) (5) Note: Move toward 1:30 while shuffling 1:30
6 - 8Step R fw to right diag. and square body to 12:00 (6), Touch L behind R (7), Unwind ½ turn left ending with L over R and weight mostly on L, bending both knees slightly (8) 6:00

[25 – 32] ½ Unwind R Sweep, Behind, Side, Rock, Recover, ¼, Cross, ¼, ½ Sweep, Touch
1Unwind ½ turn right on L sweeping R from front to back (1) 12:00
2&3Step R behind L (2), Step L to left side (&), Rock R fw (3) 12:00
4&5Recover on L (4), ¼ Turn right step R to right side (&), Cross L over R (5) 3:00
6 - 8¼ Turn left step R back (6), ½ Turn left step L fw sweeping out R as if drawing a large CCW circle on the floor (7), Touch R next to L (8) Optional styling for arms during sweep: See my demo 6:00

Tag: At the end of Wall 3 facing 6:00, do the following 16 counts before starting Wall 4 facing 6:00
[1 – 8] R Basic, Side, Behind, ¼, Step, ½ Pivot, ¼ Side, Touch
1, 2&Step R to right side (1), Close L behind R (2), Cross R over L (&) 6:00
3, 4&Step L to left side (3), Step R behind L (4), ¼ Turn left step L fw (&) 3:00
5 - 8Step R fw (5), Pivot ½ turn left step L fw (6), ¼ Turn left step R to right side (7), Touch L next to R (8) 6:00

[9 – 16] L Basic, Side, Behind, ¼, Step, ½ Pivot, ¼ Side, Touch
1, 2&Step L to left side (1), Close R behind L (2), Cross L over R (&) 6:00
3, 4&Step R to right side (3), Step L behind R (4), ¼ Turn right step R fw (&) 9:00
5 - 8Step L fw (5), Pivot ½ turn right step R fw (6), ¼ Turn right step L to left side (7), Touch R next to L (8) 6:00

Ending At the end of Wall 9 dance up to Count 15, then make ¼ turn left on R to face 12:00 and point L fw



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