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Mother (媽媽的願望) (zh)

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Phrased Improver waltz
Des Ho (SG) - 2016年05月
Mother's Hope (媽媽的願望) (Radio Edit) - Mika Xiang (向惠玲)
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简介: 24音乐节拍后舞蹈开始[26I秒] intro: 24 counts after heavy beat [0:26 sec]
SOD: 舞蹈序列: ABBB- AT ABBB- A(Ending) - see below details on B- and A(Ending)

Part A (24 counts)节拍
SECT A1. R Twinkle, L Twinkle [12:00]
1–2–3右足前交踏; 左足向左; 右足向右Cross R over L, Rock L to L, Recover on R
4–5–6左足前交踏; 右足向右; 左足向左Cross L over R, Rock R to R, Recover on L

SECT A2. Cross Back Back, Behind Side Cross [3:00]
1–2–3右足前交踏,左足往左斜后退,右足再退一步 (1:30 点钟方向)
Cross R over L, Step back L Diagonal (1:30), Step back on R [1:30]
4– 5–6左足后交踏;右足向右(3点钟), 左足前交踏 (3点钟)
Step L behind R, Step R to R (square off), Cross L over R [3:00]

SECT A3. Scissor Cross, 1/4 Turn Back Shuffle [6:00]
1–2–3左足向左; 左足向右并; 右足前交踏Step R to R, L next to R, Cross R over L
4–5–6右转1/4圈左足向后退; 右足向左并; 左足向后退 [6:00]
Make 1/4 R stepping back on L, R next to L, Step back on L [6:00]

SECT A4. 1/2 Turn Forward Shuffle, Cross Rock Side [12:00]
1– 2–3右转1/4圈右足向右; 左足向右并; 右转1/4圈右足向前 [12:00]
Make 1/4 R stepping on R, Step L next to R, Make 1/4 R stepping R forward [12:00]
4– 5–6左足前交踏; 转移重心至右足; 左足向左Rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L to L

Part B (28 counts)节拍
SECT B1. R Twinkle, 1/2 Turn L Twinkle [6:00]
1–2 –3右足前交踏; 左足向左; 右足向右[12:00]
Cross R over L, Rock L to L, Recover on R [12:00]
4–5 –6左足前交踏; 左转1/4圈右足向后退; 左转1/4圈左足向左 [6:00]
Cross L over R, Make 1/4 L stepping back on R, Make 1/4 L stepping L to L [6:00]

SECT B2. Cross Rock Side (2x) [6:00]
1– 2–3右足前交踏; 转移重心至 左足; 右足向右
Rock R over L, Recover on L, Step R to R
4– 5–6左足前交踏; 转移重心至右足; 左足向左
Rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L to L

SECT B3.Sailor Step, 1/4 Turn Sailor Step [3:00]
1–2–3右足后交踏;左足原位; 右足向右
Step R behind L, L in place, Step R to R
4–5–6左足母亲节快乐交踏;右足稍微前交踏; 左转1/4圈右足向前[3:00]
Step L behind R, Cross R slightly over L, Make 1/4 L stepping L forward [3:00]

SECT B4. Pivot 1/2 Turn Back, Coaster Step [3:00]
1–2–3右足向前; 左转1/2圈左足向前; 左转1/2圈右足向后退 [3:00]
Step R forward, Pivot 1/2 L weigh on L, Make 1/2 L stepping back on R [3:00]
4–5–6左足向后退; 右足向左并; 左足向前 * [ B- 说明:] 在第四和第九转圈,跳到这里时,重复跳Part A
Step back on L, R next to L, Step L forward * [B- Details] On Wall 4 & 9, Restart Part A Here

SECT B5. Forward, Kick, 1/4 Turn Side [12:00]
1–2–3右足向前; 左足向前踢; 左转1/4圈左足向左 Step R forward, Kick L forward, Make 1/4 L & step L to L

Repeat & Enjoy.

添加步骤: 跳完第五转圈时,添加以下步骤 TAG: At the end of wall 5 (Part A)
1–2–3右足向左并; 左足向后扫; 右趾向右点
1-2-3R slightly behind L & sweep L from front to back, Step back on L, Point R toes to R

A (Ending) Option
Facing 6:00, you will dance up to 12 Counts (Sect 2), make 1/4 Turn R to face 12:00 & Walk L, R , L & sway sway (as music fade away)
[ A(Ending) 说明: ]
跳到第十转圈, (最后转圈),第12步骤时添加以下步骤:
右转1/4圈右足向前 (12:00 点钟方向); 走两步-左右; 向左摇摆 [ 舞蹈结束 ]

母亲节快乐! 如果您有任何疑问请联系我;我很高兴与大家分享 - Des Ho 在
Happy Mother’s Day. If you have difficulty obtaining the speed edited music, feel free to contact me.

Contact Choreographer for music & query -
Updated: 2 May 2016, 11.57 pm



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