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Darling Blue Ain't Your Color

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Wil Bos (NL) - November 2016
Blue Ain't Your Color - Keith Urban : (Album: Ripcord)
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Intro 2 slow counts

Rock Across Recover, Side, Cross, ¼ R Back/Sweep, Coaster, Cross/Hitch, Weave ¼ L/Sweep, Cross, Diag. Back x2, Cross
1LF rock across
2&a3RF recover, LF step side, RF cross over, LF ¼ right step back and sweep RF from front to back
4&a5RF step back, LF together, RF step forward, LF cross over and hitch RF across
6&a7RF cross over, LF step side, RF cross behind, LF ¼ left step forward and sweep RF from back to front
8&a1RF cross over, LF step left back, RF step right back, LF cross over

Diag Back x2, Cross, Back, Coaster, Fwd, Rock Fwd Recover, ½ R Fwd, Spiral ¾ R, Side, Cross, Side, Behind/Sweep
2&a3RF step right back, LF step left back, RF cross over, LF step back
4&a5RF step back, LF together, RF step forward, LF step forward
6&a7RF rock forward, LF recover, RF ½ right step forward, LF step forward with ¾ turn right on ball foot
8&a1RF step side, LF cross over, RF step side, LF cross behind and sweep RF from front to back

Coaster, Fwd/Hitch, Back, ¼ L Side, Cross, Sway x2, Cross, Hinge ½ L, Cross, Hinge ½ R, Rock Across
2&a3RF step back, LF together, RF step forward, LF step forward and hitch RF
4&a5RF step back, LF ¼ left step side, RF cross over, LF step side, hips left
6-7&ahips right, LF cross over, RF ¼ left step back, LF ¼ left step side
8&a1RF cross over, LF ¼ right step back, RF ¼ right step side, LF rock across

Recover, Side, Rock Across Recover, Side, Fwd, Rock Fwd Recover, Full Turn R/Sweep, Sailor ½ R
2a3RF recover, LF step side, RF rock across
4a5LF recover, RF step side, LF step forward
6&a7RF rock forward, LF recover, RF ½ right step forward, LF ½ right step back and sweep RF from front to back
8&aRF ½ right cross behind, LF step beside, RF step slightly forward [6]

Start again

TAG: After the 2nd wall [12]:
1LF rock across
2a3RF recover, LF step side, RF rock across
4aLF recover, RF step side


OLDSALTY November 23, 2016
My wife Victoria and her dancers have loved this K Urban track since he released the album its played at home all he time.I think she considered teaching Roy and Jose's dance but waltz's aren't their bag really(Even though its a great dance) but they love rolling count dances so this one is on her desk top ready to teach.Well done Will this is the one Clever work Thank You


Stokies November 23, 2016
Salty... Christmas is coming Get Cooking and fill the freezer before you go on the beach

Sorry WIL, he's right though I have been waiting for someone to pen a perfect rolling count dance to one of my favourite tracks of the year and this fits the bill, its pretty fantastic. You can thank Pat from The Gang she wants this dance so much ...Christmas starts tonight Trish see you later facebook the others.

Thank You again Wil


Stokies November 23, 2016
Well it wasn't an easy teach Wil but its a work in progress and when it all comes together it will be worth the effort.It has been one of those nights when you wouldn't be a line dance teachers unless you absolutely love the work.I think you have done an amazing job with this dance and I truly hope more teachers give it their best shot
Good luck


jenny w November 25, 2016
Didn't like it first time but now I love it thanks Victoria for teaching it.

Bart2016 March 13, 2023
This version ratio is 1w =2 walls in Roy and Jose 48c 4w version

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