CopperKnob Stepsheets

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It's Showtime

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Daniel Whittaker (UK) - February 2018
From Now On - Hugh Jackman & The Greatest Showman Ensemble : (Album: The Greatest Showman OST)
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NOTE: Fast forward the music to 2:00 mins then you have a 8 count intro, start on vocals

TAG / RESTART / ENDING: One small tag end of wall 1, Restart during wall 4, 16 count ending during wall 6

[1-8] Rock step, ball step back, ½ turn, step ¼ turn, cross step, kick
1-2Rock left foot forward, recover weight on right 12:00
&3-4Step left beside right, step right back, make /12 turn left stepping forward left foot 06:00
5-6Step right forward, make ¼ turn left 03:00
7,8Step right over left, kick left to left diagonal 03:00

[9-16] Ball cross, side, sailer step, double time weave, clap clap
&1Step left beside right, cross right over left (Completed a kick ball cross) 03:00
2Step left to left side 03:00
3&4Right sailor step stepping R-L-R 03:00
5&6&7Step left over right, step right to side, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left over right 03:00
&8Double clap 03:00

[17-24] Ball step, behind, ¼ turn, make ½ turn, coaster step, walk forward right, left
&1Rock right to right side, recover weight on left 03:00
2-3-4Step right behind left, make ¼ turn left stepping left forward (12), make ½ turn left stepping right back (6) 06:00
5&6Coaster step L-R-L 06:00
7-8Walk forward Right, Left 06:00

[25-32] Switch steps, rock step, triple ¾ turn right
1&2&Touch right to right, switch and touch left to left side, step right beside right 06:00
3&4Touch right heel forward, switch and touch left heel forward 06:00
&5-6Switch and rock right forward, recover weight on left 06:00
7&8Triple step ¾ turn right stepping R-L-R 03:00

[33-40] Left Dorothy step, Right Dorothy Step, Rock step, ¾ turn
1-2&Step left to left diagonal, lock right behind left, step left to left diagonal 02:00
3-4&Step right to right diagonal, lock left behind right, step right to right diagonal 04:00
5-6Rock left foot forward, recover weight on right 03:00
7-8Make ½ turn left stepping forward (9), Make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (6) 06:00

[41-48] Sailor step, rock step, rolling vine, chasse
1&2Step left behind right, step right beside left, step left to left side 09:00
3-4Rock right over left, recover weight on left 09:00
5-6Make ¼ turn right step right forward (9), make ½ turn right stepping left back (3) 03:00
7&8Make a further ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, close left to right, step right to right side 06:00

[49-56] Cross and Heel, and touch & heel, cross and heel, and touch & heel
1&2Step left over right, step right diagonally back, touch left heel towards left diagonal 06:00
&3&4Step left in place, touch right beside left, Step right diagonally back, touch left heel forwards left diagonal 06:00
&5&6Step left beside right, Step right over left, step left diagonally back, touch right heel towards right diagonal 06:00
&7&8Step right in place, touch left beside right, Step left diagonally back, touch right heel forwards right diagonal 06:00

[57-64] Rock step, shuffle ½ turn, Paddle turn (Chug turn)
&1-2Step right beside left, rock left forward towards right diagonal (7) 07:00
3&4Shuffle ½ turn left stepping L-R-L to face diagonal (2) 02:00
5&6&7&8Paddle/chug turn anticlockwise (step right slightly to right side, recover weight on left (12), step right slightly to right side, recover weight on left (10), step right slightly to right side, recover weight on left (08:00), step right forward (06:00) 06:00

1-4Step left forward (6), make ½ turn right (12), step left foot forward, make ½ turn right (6) 06:00
** Dance up to count 16 on wall 6, you will be facing wall 9 and you would have done the double clap **

The ending of this dance is a nightclub two step (Slows down dramaticaly)
Right side, rock recover, ¼ turn left, step ¾ turn, weave, rock, cross
1-2&Step right to right side, rock left back, recover weight on right 09:00
3-4&Make ¼ turn left step left forward (6), step right forward (6), make ¾ turn left (9) 09:00
5-6&Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side 09:00
7&8&Rock left over right, recover weight back on right, step left to left side, cross right over left 09:00

Left side, rock recover, ¼ turn right, step ¾ turn, weave, rock, cross
1-2&Step left to left side, rock right back, recover weight on left 09:00
3-4&Make ¼ turn right step right forward (12), step left forward (12), make ¾ turn right (9) 09:00
5-6&Step left to right side, step right behind left, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward (6) 06:00
7&8&Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left (12), walk forward right, left 12:00
Note: the music does continue, but its even slower I decided to stop here as the music faids out.

Contact: - - Mobile number: 07739 352209

Last Update – 9th Feb. 2018


dancer33 October 24, 2018
Wow Daniel this dance is brilliant you’ve captured the sentiment of the song in such a way I have to teach and dance this. Chill factor was such a big hit and this is up there with it. X

dancer33 October 25, 2018
The restart is on wall 5 after 48 counts x

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