CopperKnob Stepsheets

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When She Grows Up

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Easy Intermediate NC
José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - September 2018
When She Grows Up - Craig Campbell
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Intro : 4 counts after beat kicks in
Tag in wall 3 on count 13, restart dance after to 03.00 o’clock wall
Restart in wall 6 on count 25 to 06.00 o’clock wall

S1: Rock Forward L/Recover R, Back ( L/R ) , Full Triple Turn L Forward With Sweep, Cross Sailor With 1/4 Turn R, Cross Sailor With 1/2 Turn L
1-2Lf Rock forward, recover onto Rf
&3Lf step back, Rf step back
4&5Lf step forward, make it 1/2 turn left stepping Rf back (&) (06.00), make 1/2 turn left stepping Lf orward whilst sweeping Rf from back to front (12.00)
6&7Rf cross in front Lf, Lf step slightly diagonally back (&), make 1/4 turn right stepping Rf to right (03.00)
8&1Lf cross in front of Rf, make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf back (&) (12.00), make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf left(09.00)

S2: Syncopated Sways (R,L,R), 1/4 Turn L, Forward L, 1/4 Turn L, Back R, 1/2 Turn L Forward L, Hold (2X), Sweeps backward (L,R,L)
2&3sway to right, left(&), right (taking full weight onto Rf)
4&5make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf forward (06.00), make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf back (&) (03.00), make 1/2 turn left stepping Lf forward (09.00) *
(N.B. this turn goes around in a "L" shape)
* NOTE do the 4 count tag here and restart the dance after
6-7hold, hold (weight remains on Lf)
8&1Rf step back whilst sweeping Lf around from front to back, Lf step back whilst sweeping Rf from front to back (&), Rf step back whilst sweeping Lf around from front to back

S3: Sailor With 1/4 Turn R, Forward R/L, 1 1/4 Turn L, Basic R, Side L
2&3Lf cross behind Rf, make 1/4 turn right stepping Rf forward (&), Lf step forward (12.00)
4-5Rf walk forward, Lf walk forward 6&7 make 1/2 turn left stepping Rf back (06.00), make 1/2 turn left stepping Lf forward (&) (12.00), make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf to right (09.00)
8&1Lf small rock step back, recover onto Rf (&) * , Lf step left
* NOTE : restart dance here in wall 6

S4: Weave With Sweep, Weave With Aerial Ronde, Cross Behind, Full Unwind
2&3Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left (&), Rf cross in front of Lf whilst sweeping Lf from back to front
4&5Lf cross in front of Rf, Rf step right (&), Lf cross behind Rf whilst sweeping Rf from front to back in the air
6-7-8Rf lock behind Lf, unwind full turn right over 2 counts

Tag : in wall 3 on count 13 you will do this tag 13-14-15-16 walk forward Lf, Rf, Lf, Rf


alisonjo September 22, 2018
beautiful, I keep replaying that little girl so cute ......xx

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