CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Falling Walls

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Phrased Intermediate
Darren Bailey (UK) - January 2019
Walls - Jamie N Commons
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Intro:16 Counts, Start on Lyrics
Phrasing: A, A with restart, A, B, Tag, A, A, B, A, A, B, Tag.

Part A
A1: Step/Sweep, Cross, Back, ½ R w/ Hitch, 1 ¼ R, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Recover
1Step forward on LF while sweeping RF from back to front
2&3Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF, Make a ½ turn R and step forward on RF while hitching L knee (6:00)
4&5Make a ½ turn R and step back on LF (12:00), Make a ½ turn R and step forward on RF (6:00), Make a ¼ turn R and step LF to L side (9:00)
6&7&Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Cross Rock RF in front of LF, Recover onto LF
8&Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF

A2: Behind w/ Hitch, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Side Rock, Behind w/ Hitch, Behind, Side, Slow Cross Unwind
1Cross RF behind LF while hitching L Knee moving LF from front to the Back
2&3&Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross Rock LF in front of RF, Recover onto RF
4&5Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF, Cross LF behind RF while hitching R Knee moving RF from front to the back
6&7Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF starting to unwind a full turn L
8Continue to unwind finishing a full turn L keeping weight onto RF (9:00)
Restart here on wall 2 (do not complete a full turn but only turn to face the back wall to start wall 3 at 6:00)

A3: Nightclub Basic to L, Sway R, Sway L, Begin diamond turning R
1Step LF to L side
2&3Close RF next to LF (3rd Position), Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side swaying to R
4-5Sway onto LF, Step RF to R side
6&7Make an 1/8 turn R and step forward on LF (10:30), Step forward on RF, Make an 1/8 turn R and step LF to L side (12:00)
8&Make an 1/8 turn R and step back on RF (1:30) Step back on LF

A4: Finish diamond, Touch R Back, Full turn R with Sweep, Rock Forward, Recover, Close, Step Forward
1Make an 1/8 turn R and step RF to R side (3:00)
2&3Make an 1/8 turn R and step forward on LF (4:30), Step forward on RF, Make an 1/8 turn R and step LF to L side (6:00)
4-5Touch RF back, Take weight onto RF making a full turn sweep R with LF (6:00)
6-7Rock forward on LF, Recover onto RF (the rock forward and back and similar to sways)
8&Step forward on LF, Step forward on RF

(NOTE) Each time Part A finishes facing 12:00, replace counts 8& with step forward on LF, touch RF next to LF

Part B (Always starts to the front, and is always danced x4)
1-2Step R to R side and sway to R, Sway to L
(Arms: Start Arms at eye level and with each movement, slowly move them down the body. Create a right angle with the arms: Make a closed fist with the R hand, holding R arm parallel to the floor, and L at side with left hand cupping R fist, push to the right when swaying to the R, Switch and hold L arm parallel to the floor, while R is on R side then push to the L when swaying to the L)
&3&4Sway to R, Touch LF behind RF, Step LF to L side, Touch RF behind LF
(Arms, Click both hands down and to the R when touching LF behind RF, Click both hands down and to the L when touching RF behind the LF)
&5Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF while sweeping RF from front to back
(Arms, on the & count place both hands at chest level with palms facing down. On count 5 push both arms directly down to the sides as you sweep RF)
6&7&Cross RF behind LF, Make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF (9:00), Step RF to R diagonal, Step LF behind RF
8&Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
(Note: Part B always repeats x4, but when finishing the 4th rotation of B, finish with count 8 (omit the last &) to start Part A or the tag with the LF)

1-4Step LF to L side and hold for 3 counts Raising hands up into the air from bottom to top.


cass January 14, 2019
Loving this dance

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