CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Close My Eyes (P)

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Linda Byrum (USA) & Paul Brown (USA) - February 2019
Ich mach meine Augen zu - Chris Norman & Nino de Angelo
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#32 count lead,
Start with vocals (At beginning of 2nd set and beginning of 6th set, do first 16 counts, then Restart)

Alternate music: Island In The Stream by Kenny Rogers/ Dolly Parton

Start in closed position, man facing OLD; Man's footwork listed, Lady's mirrors, except where noted

[1-8] Weave down line of dance
1-8Step RT over LT, step LT to LT, step RT behind LT, step LT to LT, step RT over LT, step LT to LT, step RT behind LT, step LT to LT

[1-8] Walk, walk, shuffle in pin wheel (ending with man facing OLD)
1,2,3&4Step RT fwd, step LT, shuffle, RT, LT, RT, walking around lady in pin wheel
5,6,7&8Step LT step RT, shuffle LT, RT, LT walking around lady in pin wheel

[1-8] Lariat turn and lady's underarm turn
1-4(MAN) Raising LT hand, man steps RT over LT, step LT, turning 1/4 turn to LT, shuffle RT, LT, RT ( under arm)
1-4(LADY) Step LT, step RT, shuffle LT, RT, LT around man, facing FWD LOD
5-8(MAN) Raising LT hand, step LT, step RT, shuffle LT, RT, LT FWD LOD
5-8(LADY) Step RT, turning 1/4 turn to LT, step LTturning 1/4 turn to LT, shuffle RT, LT, RT back

[1-8] Cross rock and lady's underarm turn back to closed position with 1/4 turn to OLD
1-4Rock step RT over LT, recover on LT, shuffle RT, LT, RT in place
5-8(MAN) Step LT, step RT turning 1/4 turn RT, shuffle LT, Rt, LT in place facing OLD
5-8(LADY) Step RT over LT turning 1/4 turn LT, step LT back turning 1/4 turn LT, shuffle RT, LT, RT turning 1/4 turn LT, facing ILD

At beginning of 2nd set and beginning of 6th set, do first 16 counts, then restart

End of dance; repeat

Choreographed 2/10/2019 by Linda Byrum & Paul Brown
Contact; email; phone; 765-744-8695 USA


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