CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tough Guys

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Sandra Burns (SCO) - May 2019
Tough Guys - Caroline Jones
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#24 count intro

Sect 1: Chassis R, Back Rock Recover Step L, Syncopated Weave L, Back Rock Recover Step R
1&2Step right to right side. Close left beside right. Step right to right side.
3&4Rock back on left foot. Recover weight onto right foot. Step left to left side.
5&6&Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left. Step left to left side.
7&8Rock back on right foot. Recover weight onto left foot. Step Right to Right Side. (12)

Sect 2: Kick Ball Stomp, Kick Ball Stomp, Shuffle Forward L, Syncopated Rocking Chair
9&10Kick left forward. Place weight on ball of left foot. Stomp right beside left.
11&12Kick left forward. Place weight on ball of left foot. Stomp right beside left.
13&14Step forward left. Close right beside left. Step forward left.
15&16&Rock forward on right. Recover weight to left. Rock back on right. Recover weight to left. (12)

Sect 3: Shuffle Forward R, Step ¼ Turn Cross, 2 x ¼ Turns L Cross R, Chassis L
17&18Step forward right. Close left beside right. Step forward right.
19&20Step forward left. Turn ¼ right. Cross left over right. (3)
**2nd & ****4th Restarts
21&22Turn ¼ left stepping back on right. Turn ¼ left stepping left to left side. Cross right over left.
23&24Step left to left side. Close right beside left. Step left to left side. (9)

Sect 4: Back Rock Recover Step R, Left Sailor 1/4 Turn Left, Kick & Toe & Heel & Together
25&26Rock back on right foot. Recover weight onto left foot. Step Right to Right Side (9)
27&28Cross Left behind Right making 1/4 turn Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left. (6)
*1st & ***3rd Restarts
29&30&Kick right forward. Place weight on right foot. Touch left toe beside right. Place weight on left foot
31&32Touch right heel forward. Place weight on right foot. Place left beside right. (6)

*1st Restart
During wall 2 Section 4 - Dance up to and including the Left Sailor 1/4 Turn Left and restart at the front.

**2nd Restart
During wall 4 Section 3 - Dance up to and including the Step ¼ Turn Cross and restart the dance.
You will be facing the 9 o’clock wall when this happens.

***3rd Restart
During wall 6 Section 4 - Dance up to and including the Left Sailor 1/4 Turn Left and restart the dance.
You will be facing the 9 o’clock wall when this happens.

****4th Restart
During wall 9 Section 3 - Dance up to and including the Step ¼ Turn Cross and restart the dance.
You will be facing the 12 o’clock wall when this happens.

Ending - At the end of wall 10 cross right foot over left and unwind ½ turn to the front.


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