CopperKnob Stepsheets

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TikTok Love

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Dwight Meessen (NL) & José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) - May 2020
Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat) - Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo : (Album: Single)
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Sequence : A, A16, B, A, B, A16, B
Info : Intro 16 counts

PART A: 32 counts
Cross-Side-Point, Ball Cross-¼ L Back-½ L Fwd, Pivot ½ L Into Shuffle Fwd-Hitch, Fwd-Hitch, Fwd-Touch
1&2RF cross over, LF step side, RF point diag. forward
&3&4RF step beside on ball foot, LF cross over, RF ¼ left step back, LF ½ left step forward
&5RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left
&6&RF step beside, LF step forward, RF hitch
7&8&RF step forward, LF hitch, LF step forward, RF touch beside [9]

Lunge Side Recover ¼ L, Full Turn L, Mambo Fwd/Sweep, Back/Sweep, Behind-Side, Rock Across Recover
1-2RF lunge side and look right, LF ¼ left recover
&3RF ½ left step back, LF ½ left step forward
4&RF rock forward, LF recover
5-6RF step slightly back and sweep LF back, LF step back and sweep RF back
7&8&RF cross behind, LF step side, RF rock across, LF recover [6]

Half Rumba Box Touch, Half Rumba Box Scuff, Mambo Fwd/Hitch, Shuffle Bkw
1&2&RF step side, LF together, RF step forward, LF touch beside
3&4&LF step side, RF together, LF step forward, RF scuff
5&6&RF rock forward, LF recover, RF step slightly back, LF hitch
7&8LF step back, RF step beside, LF step back [6]

Mambo Bkw, Shuffle Fwd, Pivot ½ L, Heel-Hook, Walk Fwd x2
1&2RF rock back, LF recover, RF step slightly forward
3&4LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward
5&6&RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left, RF dig heel forward, RF hook across
7-8RF step forward, LF step forward [12]

PART B: 32 counts
Hand Movements, Sway x2 (x2)
1&2RF step side and R hand on L shoulder, R hand on R shoulder, raise R hand
3-4sway right, sway left
5&6L hand on R shoulder, L hand on L shoulder, raise L hand
7-8sway right, sway left

Hand Movements, Sway x2, Mambo Fwd, Back-½ R Fwd, Fwd-Touch
1&2hands crossed on shoulders, R hand on R shoulder and L hand on L shoulder, raise hands
3-4sway right, sway left
5&6RF rock forward, LF recover, RF step slightly back
7&8&LF step back, RF ½ right and step forward, LF step forward, RF touch beside

Hand Movements, Sway x2 (x2)
1&2RF step side and R hand on L shoulder, R hand on R shoulder, raise R hand
3-4sway right, sway left
5&6L hand on R shoulder, L hand on L shoulder, raise L hand
7-8sway right, sway left

Hand Movements, Sway x2, Mambo Fwd, Back-½ R Fwd, Fwd-Touch
1&2hands crossed on shoulders, R hand on R shoulder and L hand on L shoulder, raise hands
3-4sway right, sway left
5&6RF rock forward, LF recover, RF step slightly back
7&8&LF step back, RF ½ right and step forward, LF step forward, RF touch beside

Last Update - 17 Jan. 2021

12 FEB '21 100


anki May 27, 2020
Love it! Not too hard to learn and so smooth. Lovely dance guys.

Asches May 31, 2020
I love the dance, music and choreo great job 🕺🏼🕺🏼❤️

whitehouse June 2, 2020
What a fab dance.cant wait to hit the dance floor with this one. Hope it does well for you all

lulubelle June 17, 2020
Thanks for a great dance to a catchy tune

Irene Belinda June 19, 2020
Love the dance! ♥️
I have a question: in part B, when we do the sway, sway, the steepsheet says left, left; but in the video Jose M. dances right, right; and Dwight, right, left.... 😅

lulubelle June 19, 2020
I also wondered about the sway sway. Perhaps what is meant is that one steps right but upper body sways left then right (weight right then left). This puts us on the correct foot for the RF rock forward after the double hand actions.

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