CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rob Fowler (ES) & Debbie Ellis (ES) - November 2020
Here I Go Again (Radio Mix) - Whitesnake : (3:52)
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Intro: 32 counts (approx. 22 secs) (1 Restart during Wall 6)

S1: Side R, Cross Rock, Recover, Chasse ¼ L, Step R, Pivot ½ L, ½ L, Back L
1,2,3Step R to R side, cross rock L over R, recover on R
4&5Step L to L side, step R next to L, make ¼ turn L stepping forward L 9:00
6&7Step forward R, pivot ½ turn L, make another ½ turn L stepping back on R
8Step back L
S2: ¼ Rock, ¼ Recover, ¾ Spiral L, Chasse L, R Diag Mambo, Back L & Touch R
1Make ¼ turn R rocking R to R side 12:00
2Recover on L making ¼ turn L and flick R 9:00
3Step forward R and make ¾ spiral turn L (keep weight on R) 12:00
4&5Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side
6&7Cross rock R over L (towards 10:30), recover on L, staying on diagonal take a long step back on R 10:30
8Step back L and touch R in front of L (weight on L)
S3: Step R & Sweep L, Cross L, Step R ¼ L, Chasse L, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ R, ½ R
1Step forward R and sweep L around to straighten up to 12:00 12:00
2,3Cross L over R, make ¼ turn L stepping back on R 9:00
4&5Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side
6&7Cross rock R over L, recover on L, make ¼ turn R stepping forward R 12:00
8Make ½ turn R stepping back L 6:00
S4: ¼ R, Hold, Step L, Cross R, Diag ¼ Turn Shuffle, ½ L & Sweep, Behind L, Side R, Cross Shuffle
1,2Make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, hold 9:00
&3Step L next to R, cross R over L
4Make 1/8 turn L stepping L to L diagonal (*See RESTART on Wall 6 note below)
&5Step R next to L, make 1/8 turn L stepping L forwards toward 6:00 6:00
6Make ½ turn L stepping back on R and sweep L around from front to back 12:00
7&8&1Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
S5: Side Rock, Recover, Cross R, Side Rock, Recover, Step L, Hitch & ½ Turn, Bump R, Recover & Hitch
2&3Rock R to R side, recover on L, cross R over L
4&5Rock L to L side, recover on R, step forward L
6Hitch R and make ½ turn L (keeping weight on L) 6:00
7Step down on R and bump hips R
8Recover weight on L and hitch R
Start Over
*RESTART: During Wall 6 dance up to and including count 4 of S4, then straighten up to face 12:00 and RESTART


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