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Don't Be Shy

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Aprillia Munarwati (INA) & Icha Yulfariza (INA) - September 2021
Don't Be Shy - Tiësto & KAROL G
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Sequences : ABC ABC DC

Part A : 32 Count
Section 1 : Prissy walk & Hold( 2X ), Scissors R&L
1 - 4 Cross R over L, hold, cross L over R, hold
5&6 7&8 Step R to side, step L together, cross R over L,step L to side, step R together, cross L over R

Section 2 : Syncopated Rocking chair with heel grind,Forward,Pivot, Side step with body roll, Touch
1&2&3 4 Rock R forward with hell grind, recover on L, Rock R back,recover on L, step R forward, ½ turn L weight on L ( 6.00 )
5 - 8 Step R to side with body roll to R, touch L beside R, step L to side with body roll to L, touch R beside L

Section 3&4: Repeat/same movement with section 1&2, ends at 12.00

Part B : 32 Count
Section 1 : V step, Dorothy step
1 - 4 Step R diagonal forward, step L diagonal forward, step R back to center, Step L beside R
5 6& 7 8& Step R diagonal forward, step L behind R, step R diagonal forward Step L diagonal forward, step R behind L, step L diagonal forward

Section 2 : Forward Pivot (2X), Closed,styling arm, Sway R&L
1 - 4 Step R forward, ½ turn L weight on L ( 6.00), step R forward, ½ turn L weight on L (12.00)
5&6 7 8 Close R beside L, cross both hands in front, open both hands with palms facing forward, Sway hip R&L

Section 3&4 : Repeat/same movement with section 1&2

Part C : 32 Count
Section 1 : Brush ,Side step with pop shoulder RLR, close, step in place with swing hands up
1 - 4 Brush R to front, step R to side with pop R shoulder, recover on L with pop L shoulder, Step R to side with pop R shoulder
5 - 8. Close L beside R with swing R hand up, step R in place with swing L hand up, step L in place with swing R hand up, step R in place with swing L hand up

Section 2 : Side touch,Side close,Cross open Down both hands, sway RL
1 - 4 Step L to side,touch R beside L, step R to side, close L beside R
5&6 7 8 Cross both hands in front of the chest while touching both shoulders, open both hands while touching both shoulders, put both hands down, Sway RL while the right hand is raised up

Section 3 : Sway R, Rock Side, recover , cross, side
1 2&3 4 Sway R( R hand still rise up),Rock L to side, recover on R, cross L over R, Rock R to side
&5 6&7 8 Recover on L, cross R over L, rock L to side, recover on R, cross L over R, step R to side

Section 4 : ¼ turn L, Syncopated lock step,1/2 turn R, stomp,Hitch&Swing leg foot, cross behind, ¾ turn R, close
1&2&3 4 ¼ turn L (9.00) body still facing at 12.0 step L forward, step R behind L, step L forward, Step R behind L,step L forward,1/2 turn R (3.00) stomp R beside L
5&6 7 8 Hitch R foot & swing leg to L, swing leg to R, cross R behind L, ¾ turn R (12.00), Close L beside R

Part D : 32 Count
Section 1 : Weave L,sweep,Cross behind, side, cross over, sweep
1 - 4 Cross R over L, L to side,Cross R behind L, sweep L from front to back
5 - 8 Cross L behind R, R to side, Cross L over R, sweep R from back to front

Section 2 : Rocking chair with body weave, Cross, Hold , ½ turn
1 - 4 Rock R forward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L ( doing with body weave)
5 - 8 Cross R over L, hold, ½ turn L ( 6.00) weight on L foot

Section 3&4 : repeat / same movement with Section 1 & 2 , ends at 12.00

Enjoy the dance.......

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21 NOV '21 50


Yanni September 7, 2021

Erni September 7, 2021
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Dewi Purnama Indah September 7, 2021
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Sukses buat choreonya 💖💖💖

lolucy September 7, 2021
Kereeen icha and april..

MeiLestari September 7, 2021

Icha Yulfariza September 8, 2021
Terimakasih supportnya teman2..🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

Selvin September 8, 2021
Vote 20

이미애 October 24, 2021

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