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Quittin' Ain't Workin'

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Laurent Chalon (BEL) - October 2021
Quittin’ Ain’t Workin’ - Larry Fleet
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Intro : 32 Counts

Section 1 : Behind, Side Point, Cross, Kick, Stomp, pivot ½ turn L+kick, Back, Hook
1Cross RF behind LF 12:00
2Point LF to the Left
3Cross LF over RF
4Diagonal right front kick with RF
5Stomp RF Forward
6Pivot ½ turn to the left & Kick PG Forward 06:00
7LF back
8Hook RF Forward
Section 2 : Step Lock Step, Hold, Step pivot ½ turn R, step, hold
1-2-3RF Forward, Lock LF behind RF, RF Forward
5-6-7LF Forward, Pivot ½ to the right, LF Forward 12:00
Section 3 : Step, Hook, Back, Hook, Back, Hook, Step, Scuff
1-2RF Forward, Hook LF Back
3-4LF Back, Hook RF Forward
5-6RF Back, Hook LF Forward
7-8LF Forward, Scuff RF

Section 4 : Step ½ turn L, Toe Strut ¾ turn L, Side, Cross, Side, Behind
1-2RF Forward, Pivot ½ turn to the left 06:00
3-4Toe Strut RF forward with ¾ turn to the Left 09:00
5-6LF to the Left Side, Cross RF over LF
7-8LF to the Left Side, Cross RF behind LF

Section 5 : ¼ turn & Rock ½ turn, Step, Hold, Side, Together, Step, Hold
1¼ turn to the left and Rock forward LF 06:00
2Recover on RF with ½ turn to the Left 12:00
3-4LF Forward, Hold
5-6-7RF to the Righ Side, LF next to RF, RF Forward
Section 6 : Side, together, Back, Hold, Side, Touch, Side, Kick
1-2-3LF to the Left Side, RF next to LF, LF Back
5-6RF to the Right Side, Touch LF next to RF
7-8LF to the Left Side, Diagonal right front kick with RF *
* Restart here wall 5

Section 7 : Back Rock, Side Toe Strut, Behind, Side, Cross, hold
1-2Back Rock RF, Recover on LF
3-4Side Toe Strut RF
5-6-7Cross LF behinf RF, RF to the Right Side, Cross LF over RF

Section 8 : Side Rock ¼ turn L, Cross, Side Point, Cross, Side Point, Point Fwd, Side Point
1-2Side Rock RF to the Right, Recover on LF with ¼ turn Left 09:00
3-4Cross RF over LF, Point LF to the Left
5-6Cross LF over RF, Point RF to the Right
7-8Point RF Foward, Point RF to the Right

Repeat the dance...

Bonne danse... -


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