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Gudrun Schneider (DE), Silvia Schill (DE) & Dirk Leibing (DE) - March 2022
For What It's Worth - The BossHoss
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Intro : 24 counts (2 / 4 walls)

With their remake of Buffalo Springfield's anti-war song "For What It's Worth (Stop, Hey What'sThat Sound)", The BossHoss pay tribute to the incredible courage and determination of the Ukrainian people. At the same time, the Berlin country rockers make it clear that violence can never be a solution.
All proceeds from single sales are donated to the children's aid organization BILD hilft e. V. "Ein Herz für Kinder" and will benefit the support for Ukrainian refugees.
Support for Ukrainian refugees: Recipient: BILD helps e.V. IBAN: DE76 2007 0000 0067 6767 03 BIC/SWIFT: DEUT DE HH Bank: Deutsche Bank Hamburg Purpose: Ukraine - Bosshoss campaign
We are totally behind this action of The BossHoss and want to support it with this choeography

(I) Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Back, Back, Coaster Step
1-2Step RF forward(1), Step LF forward(2)
3&4Step RF forward(3), Recover on LF(&), Step RF back(4)
5-6Step LF back(5), Step RF back(6)
7&8Step LF back(7), Close RF next to LF(&), Step LF forward(8)

(II) Step ¼ left(2x), Jazz Box
1-2Step RF forward(1), Turn ¼ left(2)(9:00)
3-4Step RF forward(3), Turn ¼ left(4)(6:00) 
5-6Cross RF in front of LF(5), Step LF back(6)
7-8Step RF right(7), Step LF forward(8)

(III) Rock Step, Tripple ½ Turn, Rock Step, ¼ Turn Chassee
1-2Rock RF forward(1), Recover on LF(2)
3&4Step RF ¼ right(3)(9:00), Close LF next to RF(&), Step RF ¼ right(4)(12:00)
5-6Rock LF forward(5), Recover on RF(6)
7&8Step LF ¼ left(7)(9:00), Close RF next to LF(&), Step LF left(8)
Restart here in wall 2, 4, 6

(IV) Weave with Point, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn
1-2Cross RF in front of LF(1), Step LF left(2)
3-4Step RF behind LF(3), Point LF to left side(4) 5-6 Cross LF in front of RF(5), Step RF right(6)
7&8Turn ¼ left stepping LF back(7)(6:00), Close RF next to LF(&), Step LF forward(8)

Start again

Have Fun
Gudrun Schneider –
Silvia Schill –
Dirk Leibing –

Last Update - 17 Mar 2022 r2

2022 21 MAR 5


JM_03 March 15, 2022
I salute you Gudrun, Silvia and Dirk - respect for your caring souls.

Tabak March 15, 2022
Thank you for creating such a beautiful dance with an even more beautiful meaning

claudia f March 17, 2022
We stand up and dance for peace and freedom ✌️

Yada March 21, 2022
Top notch for an excellent cause.

prbruce57 March 31, 2022
We dance for peace and freedom

Gr8Accountant March 31, 2022
That song isn't an anti-war song. It was written about a bunch of spoiled nightclub goers on the Sunset Strip in LA who got angry about being given a curfew when they became unruly over the closing of one of the nightclubs. If you want the correct info about this song you can read the Rolling Stone mag article written by David Browne on 11 Nov 2016. Misinformation and phony emotional responses are not helpful in these very dangerous times.

claudia f April 4, 2022
The Buffalo Springfield Version is everywhere called a against war song 🤷‍♀️ Maybe the situation why the song written could be different but every face of war is to much

Gr8Accountant April 6, 2022
But the FACT is , the TRUTH is, that it is not an anti-war song. No one gets to reinvent truth. This song was written in the 60s. There are many 1960s anti-war songs out there, because, after all, it was the Vietnam War era. It is not acceptable to reinvent the truth to fit an agenda, regardless of how well intentioned.

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