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My Antidote

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Dee Musk (UK) - September 2024
Antidote (feat. Sam Fischer) - Guy Sebastian
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Sequence A, A, B, Tag, A*, A*, B, A*, B, B, B, A. (It looks daunting, but once you hear the music a couple of times the sequence should become clear) 
Info: A* means dance the first 16 counts of Section A – no new steps!! Section A* is explained below.

#16 Count Intro – Approx 14 secs. Track approx 4 mins 40 secs. BPM 64.
Track available from iTunes.

Section A (24 Counts).
Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Rock, Recover, Cross, Hinge ½ Turn Left, Step, Full Spiral Turn Right, Step, Side Rock, Recover.
1&2Rock R to R side, recover weight to L, cross R over L.
&3&Rock L to L side, recover weight to R, cross L over R.
4&Make ¼ turn L stepping back on R, make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side. (6.00).
5,6,7Step forward on R, step forward on L making full spiral turn R, step forward on R.
8&Rock L to L side, recover weight to R. (6.00).

Step Behind, Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, Step, Full Spiral Turn Left, Step, Chase ½ Turn Left.
1&2Cross step L behind R, rock R to R side, recover weight to L.
&3&Cross step R behind L, rock L to L side, recover weight to R.
4&5Step back on L, step R beside L, step forward on L.
6,7Step forward on R making a full spiral turn L, step forward on L.
8&1Step forward on R, make ½ turn L, step forward on R. (12.00).

A* Walls 4,5 and 7.

¾ Turn Right, Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn Right, Step, Pivot ½ Turn Right, Step, Cross Rock, Recover.
2&Make ½ turn R, make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side.
3&4&Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross step L behind R, make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R.
5-7Step forward on L, pivot ½ turn R, step forward on L.
8&Cross rock R over L, recover weight to L. (6.00).

Section B (32 Counts).
Right Side Lunge, Full Turn Left with Left Side, Sway, Sway R, L, ¼ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Back Rock, Recover, 1 ½ Turn Left with Left Sweep.
1,2&3Lunge R to R side, make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, make ½ turn L stepping back on R, make ¼
turn L swaying L to L side.
4&Sway R, sway L.
5Make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R. (3.00).
6&7Make ½ turn R stepping back on L, rock back on R, recover weight to L.
8&1Make ½ turn L stepping back on R, make ½ turn L stepping forward on L, make ½ turn L stepping
back on R sweeping L to behind R. (3.00).

Behind, Side, Diagonal Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Diagonal Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Step, Mambo ½ Turn Right.
2&Cross step L behind R, step R to R.
3,4&Facing 4.30 cross rock L over R, recover weight to R, step L to L side.
5,6&Facing 1.30 cross rock R over L, recover weight to L, step R to R side.
7Step forward on L.
8&1Rock forward on R, recover weight to L, make ½ turn R stepping forward on R. (9.00).

Section B continued…
¾ Turn Right with R, Lunge, ¾ Triple Turn Left with Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Sailor Step with Drag.
2&3Make ½ turn R stepping back on L, make ¼ turn L stepping R to R side, lunge R to R side.
4&5Make ¾ triple turn L stepping L, R, L sweeping R in front of L. (9.00).
6&7Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L sweeping L to behind R.
8&1Cross L behind R, step R to R side, step L in place dragging R to beside L. (9.00)

Back Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Right, Chase ½ Turn Right, Step Full Spiral Turn Left, Step, Cross Rock, Recover.
2&3Cross rock R behind L, recover weight to L, make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R (12.00).
4&5Step forward on L, make ½ turn R, step forward on L.
6,7Step forward on R making a full spiral turn L, step forward on L.
8&Cross rock R over L, recover weight to L. (6.00)

Tag (8 Counts).
Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Rock, Recover, Cross, Rumba Box Back, Rumba Box Forward, Cross Rock, Recover.
1&2Rock R to R side, recover weight to L, cross R over L.
&3&Rock L to L side, recover weight to R, cross L over R.
4&5Step R to R side, step L beside R, step back on R.
6&7Step L to L side, step R beside L, step forward on L.
8&Cross rock R over L, recover weight to L.

Section A* (16 Counts) walls 4,5 and 7.
Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Rock, Recover, Cross, Hinge ½ Turn Left, Step, Full Spiral Turn Right, Step, Side Rock, Recover.
1&2Rock R to R side, recover weight to L, cross R over L.
&3&Rock L to L side, recover weight to R, cross L over R.
4&Make ¼ turn L stepping back on R, make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side. (6.00).
5,6,7Step forward on R, step forward on L making full turn R, step forward on R.
8&Rock L to L side, recover weight to R.

Step Behind, Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, Step, Full Spiral Turn Left, Step, Step ½ Pivot Left.
1&2Cross step L behind R, rock R to R side, recover weight to L.
&3&Cross step R behind L, rock L to L side, recover weight to R.
4&5Step back on L, step R beside L, step forward on L.
6,7Step forward on R making a full spiral turn L, step forward on L.
8&Step forward on R, make ½ turn L.

* Finishes facing 12.00 - Enjoy and Relax! 


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