#4 Restarts on walls 3, 6, 8 & 12. You can hear them coming, REALLY! See details and hints below.
Intro: 20 counts, 10 seconds
[1-8] R side rock, recover, L side rock, recover, forward rock, recover, R back, L hook
1,2&Rock R to right, L recover, R step next to L
3,4&Rock L to left, R recover, L step next to R
5 6Rock R forward, L recover
*Restart on wall 6 [12:00]
7 8R step back, L hook across R
[9-16] L lock step, ½ turn right lock step, ½ turn right walk LRLR
1&2Step L forward*, lock R behind L, step L forward
*Restart on wall 3. Dance to count 9 then hold for 3 counts [12:00]
3&4½ turn right step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward [6:00]
5678½ turn right walk in a curve LRLR [12:00]
[17-24] Rock recover, shuffle ½ turn left, heel grind R and L
1,2Rock forward on L, recover R
3&4¼ turn left step L to left, step R next to left, ¼ turn left step L forward [6:00]
Restart on wall 12 [12:00]
5,6&Grind R heel across L turning toes from left to right, step L to left, step R next to L
78&Grind L heel across R turning toes from right to left, step R to right, step L next to R
Restart on wall 8 [12:00]
[25-32] Step pivot ½ turn left, step pivot ½ turn left, stomp out-out, applejacks
1234Step R forward, pivot ½ left weight on L, step R forward, pivot ½ left weight on L [6:00]
5,6Stomp R, stomp L (feet apart in preparation for applejacks)
7&8&Twist L toes to left and R heel to left, recover, twist R toes to right and L heel to right, recover (weight L)
*Option: Do stomps with feet together then twist both heels right, center, right, center
Ending - Dance to count 28 then turn ½ left on L to face the front, step R to right and strike a confident pose.
Restart summary: (All happen facing 12:00)
Wall 3 dance to count 9, hold for 3 counts (“When I see that judge at 8am I know my rights and I'll tell him.”)
Wall 6 after 6 counts (banjo plays-no lyrics)
Wall 8 after 24 counts (Lyrics “What the hell d’you do?”)
Wall 12 after 20 counts (Lyrics “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it….I didn't do iiiiitt.”)
Last Update: 20 Jan 2025
Intro: 20 counts, 10 seconds
[1-8] R side rock, recover, L side rock, recover, forward rock, recover, R back, L hook
1,2&Rock R to right, L recover, R step next to L
3,4&Rock L to left, R recover, L step next to R
5 6Rock R forward, L recover
*Restart on wall 6 [12:00]
7 8R step back, L hook across R
[9-16] L lock step, ½ turn right lock step, ½ turn right walk LRLR
1&2Step L forward*, lock R behind L, step L forward
*Restart on wall 3. Dance to count 9 then hold for 3 counts [12:00]
3&4½ turn right step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward [6:00]
5678½ turn right walk in a curve LRLR [12:00]
[17-24] Rock recover, shuffle ½ turn left, heel grind R and L
1,2Rock forward on L, recover R
3&4¼ turn left step L to left, step R next to left, ¼ turn left step L forward [6:00]
Restart on wall 12 [12:00]
5,6&Grind R heel across L turning toes from left to right, step L to left, step R next to L
78&Grind L heel across R turning toes from right to left, step R to right, step L next to R
Restart on wall 8 [12:00]
[25-32] Step pivot ½ turn left, step pivot ½ turn left, stomp out-out, applejacks
1234Step R forward, pivot ½ left weight on L, step R forward, pivot ½ left weight on L [6:00]
5,6Stomp R, stomp L (feet apart in preparation for applejacks)
7&8&Twist L toes to left and R heel to left, recover, twist R toes to right and L heel to right, recover (weight L)
*Option: Do stomps with feet together then twist both heels right, center, right, center
Ending - Dance to count 28 then turn ½ left on L to face the front, step R to right and strike a confident pose.
Restart summary: (All happen facing 12:00)
Wall 3 dance to count 9, hold for 3 counts (“When I see that judge at 8am I know my rights and I'll tell him.”)
Wall 6 after 6 counts (banjo plays-no lyrics)
Wall 8 after 24 counts (Lyrics “What the hell d’you do?”)
Wall 12 after 20 counts (Lyrics “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it….I didn't do iiiiitt.”)
Last Update: 20 Jan 2025