CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rob Fowler (ES) - January 2025
D-A-N-C-E - 2341studios
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(3 Restarts – Walls 2 & 4 & 6)
Intro: 8 counts (approx. 6s) - bpm: 96 (approx.)

Music available on: (approx. 4 weeks before all major music platforms)

S1: Walk Fwd R, L, Touch R Fwd, Back R, L Coaster, Step Fwd R, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R
1,2Walk forward R (1), walk forward L (2)
3,4Touch R forward (3), step back on R (4)
5&6Step back on L (5), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (6)
7&8Step forward on R (7), make ¼ turn L (weight on L) (&), cross step R over L (8) [9:00]

S2: Press L, Recover, L Behind-Side-Cross, Press R, Recover, R Behind-Side-Cross
1,2Press forward on L into L diagonal (1), recover weight on R (2)
3&4Step L behind R (3), step R to R side (&), cross step L over R (4)
5,6Press forward on R into R diagonal (5), recover weight on L (6)
7&8Step R behind L (7), step L to L side (&), cross step R over L (8) [9:00]

S3: Rumba Box Fwd, Rumba Box Back, L Lock Step Back, R Coaster
1&2Step L to L side (1), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (2)
3&4Step R to R side (3), step L next to R (&), step back on R (4)
5&6Step back on L (5), lock step R over L (&), step back on L (6)
7&8Step back on R (7), step L next to R (&), step forward on R (8) [9:00]

S4: Step Fwd L, R Shuffle, L Mambo ½ Turn L, Paddle Turn ½ L
1Step forward on L (1)
2&3Step forward on R (2), step L next to R (&), step forward on R (3)
(*Note: The steps for counts 1-3 in this section are replaced on the restart walls – see details below)
4&5Rock forward on L (4), recover weight on R (&), make ½ turn L stepping forward on L (5) [3:00]
6Keeping weight on L touch R toes to floor to push off into 1/6 turn L (6)
7Keeping weight on L touch R toes to floor to push off into 1/6 turn L (7)
8Keeping weight on L touch R toes to floor to push off into 1/6 turn L (8) (to complete a total of ½ turn L) [9:00]
RESTART: Please see notes below about the RESTARTS and STEP CHANGES here during WALL 2 (facing 6:00), WALL 4 (facing 12:00) and WALL 6 (facing 6:00).

S5: Step Fwd R, Hook L Behind, Back L, Hook R, R Shuffle Fwd, Step Fwd L, Hook R Behind, Back R, Hook L, L Shuffle Fwd
1&Step forward on R (1), hook L behind R (&)
2&Step back on L (2), hook R in front of L shin (&)
3&4Step forward on R (3), step L next to R (&), step forward on R (4)
5&Step forward on L (5), hook R behind L (&)
6&Step back on R (6), hook L in front of L shin (&)
7&8Step forward on L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (8) [9:00]

S6: R Mambo Fwd, Back L With Sweep, Back R With Sweep, L Coaster, Step Fwd R, L, R, L
1&2Rock forward on R (1), recover weight on L (&), step back on R (2)
3,4Step back on L sweeping R (3), step back on R sweeping L (4)
5&6Step back on L (5), step R next to L (&), step forward on L (6)
7&Step forward on R (7), step forward on L (&)
8&Step forward on R (8), step forward on L (&) [9:00]

Start Over

During WALL 2, WALL 4 and WALL 6 which are the RESTART walls, please replace counts 1-3 of Section 4 with the following steps (the rest of the steps are unchanged):
Lock L, Step R Diag R, Step L Diag L, Lock R, Step Fwd L, Step Fwd R
&1Lock step L behind R (&), step forward on R slightly to R diagonal (1)
&2Step forward on L slightly to L diagonal (&), lock step R behind L (2)
&3Step forward on L (&), step forward on R (3)

ENDING: The music finishes during Wall 7. Please dance the first 29 counts (mambo ½ turn L), then paddle ¾ turn L (instead of ½ turn L) for counts 6,7,8 to face 12:00, then add a Right Jazz Box Step Together for that big finish!
Cross step R over L (1), Step back on L (2), Step R to R side (3), Step L next to R (4)
Ta da!!

Wall 1 Full wall
Wall 2 Dance 32 counts (inc. replacement steps 1-3 of S4) and RESTART facing 6:00
Wall 3 Full wall
Wall 4 Dance 32 counts (inc. replacement steps 1-3 of S4) and RESTART facing 12:00
Wall 5 Full wall
Wall 6 Dance 32 counts (inc. replacement steps 1-3 of S4) and RESTART facing 6:00
Wall 7 Last wall – see notes above about the ENDING

Have fun!


Squidgy February 2, 2025
Great dance but where can we get the music from? *In UK. It's not on Amazon nor iTunes.

Robdabeast February 4, 2025
Hi go to brand new music site amazing for all dance community

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