CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sandra Moschel (FR) - February 2025
[1-8] Rock Step - Side Shuffle (R And L)
1-2Step right forward with support - Return left support
3&4Step right to the right - Step left next to the right - Step right to the right
5-6Step left forward with support - Return right support
7&8Step left to the left - Step right next to the left - Step left to the left

[9-16] Rock step fwd - Shuffle 1/2 turn (R) - Step fwd
1/2 turn (R) -Shuffle fwd
1-2Step right forward with support - Return left support
3&41/2 turn right Step right forward - Step left to the right -right side - right step forward
5-6left step forward - 1/2 turn right
7&8left step forward - right next to left - left step forward

[17-24] Step fwd - 1/2 turn (L) - 1/2 turn Shuffle back Step back (L and R) - Coaster step
1-2right step forward - 1/2 turn left
3&41/4 turn left right step right - left next to right right step - 1/4 turn left - right step back
5-6left step back - right step back
7&8left step back - right next to left - left step forward

[25-32] Cross - Side Step - Sailor Step - Cross – Side Step - Sailor Step 1/4 turn (L)
1-2Cross right over left - left step left
3&4Step behind left - left step left - right step right
5-6Cross left over right - right step right
7&8Left behind Right - 1/4 turn left - Right to right - Left to left

Restart: At the 8th wall (3:00) - After the 1st section
Final: At the 13th wall: (3:00)
Right forward - 1/4 turn left to finish at 12:00


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