CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Yvonne Anderson (SCO) - August 2008
Anything - JoJo : (CD: The High Road)
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Skate Forward Right & Left, Vaudeville, Cross Unwind ¾ Right, Sailor Step
1-2 Skate forward right, skate forward left (12:00)
3&4 Cross right over left, step left back, touch right heel diagonally forward (1:30)
&5-6 Step right beside left, cross left over right, with weight on left unwind ¾ turn right (9:00)
7&8 Sweep right out and step behind left, step left to left, step right to right (9:00)

Forward Left Diagonal Hip Bumps, Right Kick-Back Right Diagonal-Touch, ¾ Step-Ball- Curving Turn
1&2 Step left forward to left diagonal and bump hips right, left, right (8:30)
3&4 Kick right forward, step right back to right diagonal, touch left across right and square off to wall (9:00)
5&6&7 Making a curving turn out to left step left ¼ left, & step ball of right behind left, step left ¼ left, & step ball of right behind left, step left ¼ left (12:00)
8 Step right to right (12:00)

Rock Back-Recover-Touch, Hitch-¼ Turn Left-Step Back, Coaster Step, Diagonal Step Forward, Heel Drop
1&2 Rock left behind right, recover on right, touch left toes to left (12:00)
3&4 Hitch left knee right, on ball of right make ¼ turn left, step left back (9:00)
5&6 Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward (9:00)
7&8 Step left forward to right diagonal, turning to face left diagonal bring right to left weight on balls of feet and knees slightly bent, drop heels to floor and push hips back (11:30)

Cross-½ Turn Right Kick-Ball-Slide, Side Hip Bumps, ½ Turn Right Hip Bumps
1&2 Cross right over left squaring off to wall, make ¼ turn left stepping left back, make ¼ turn left stepping right to right (3:00)
3&4 Kick left across right, step left to left (long step), draw right to left weight ends on left (3:00)
5&6 Step right to right and bump hips right, left, right (with shoulder pops) (3:00)
7&8 On ball of right make ½ turn right stepping left to left and bumping hips left, right, left (with shoulder pops) (9:00)



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