CopperKnob Stepsheets

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2 My World

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Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) & Brandon Cheung (AUS) - June 2010
Welcome to My World - Queensberry : (Single 2009)
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Intro: 16 tellen (13 Sec)

Sec 1:
(1-8) Back Rock / Recover, 1/2 Turn R, Back, Hitch, Replace, Back, Bump, Bump, 1/4 Pivot L
1-2 Rock Rf back, Make a 1/4 turn to right (6) and recover on Lf
3-4 Stepping back on Rf weight onto Rf, hitch L knee up
5-6 Step Lf back in place and bump L hip forward, bump R hip back take weight onto Rf
&7-8 Lf back in place, step forward on Rf, Make a 1/4 turn to left (3) and take weight onto Lf

Sec 2:
(9-16) Cross Rock / Recover, Side, Cross, 1/2 Monterey Turn R
1-2 Cross rock forward on Rf (3), recover on Lf
3-4 Step Rf to the right, Cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf
5-6 Touch R toe out to the right side, pivot 1/2 to right (9) and step Rf next to Lf (Bend position)
7-8 Touch L toe out to the left side, step Lf next to Rf take weight onto both feet (9)

Sec 3:
(17-24) Jump Both Feet Apart, Hold, & Cross, Hold, & Behind, Hold, Side Mambo, 1/4 Turn R, Back
&1-2 Jump both feet apart (&1) (9), HOLD
&3-4 Step Rf slightly back, cross Lf over Rf (&3), HOLD
&5-6 Step Rf slightly to the right, cross Lf behind Rf (&5), HOLD
7&8 Mambo Rf to the right side, Make a 1/4 turn to right (12) Recover on Lf, and step back on Rf weight onto Rf

Sec 4:
(25-32) Point Fwd, Hold 2x, 1/4 Turn L, Touch Fwd, Hold, Together, 1/4 Pivot L
1-2 Point forward on Lf, (12), HOLD
&3-4 Replace on Lv, Point forward on Rf, HOLD
&5-6 Make a 1/4 turn to left (9) and replace on Rf, Point forward on Lf, HOLD
7-8 Step Lf next to Rf, step forward on Rf, make a 1/4 turn to left (6) take weight onto Lf
## Restart Here 4th & 8th Wall after 32 count ##

Sec 5:
(33-40) Step Fwd, Quarter Turn L Side / Recover, Cross, Side, Touch, 1/4, 1/4
1-2 Step forward on Rf, Make a 1/4 turn to right (9) step Lf to the left side
3-4 Recover on Rf, cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf
5-6 Step Rf to the right side, touch Lf next to Rf weight onto Rf
7-8 Make a 1/4 turn to left (6) stepping forward on Lf, 1/4 to Left (3) stepping Rf to right side

Sec 6:
(41-48) Back Rock / Recover, 1/4, 1/4, Rocking Chair, Step Fwd, Side Point
1-2 Rock back on Lf (3), recover on Rf weight onto Rf
3-4 Make a 1/4 turn to right (6) stepping back on Lf, 1/4 to right (9) stepping Rf to right side
5-6 Rock back on Lf, recover on Rf
7-8 Stepping forward on Lf, Point Rf out to the right side (9:00)

Start Again.

1st Restart Wall 4 after 32 count (facing 9 o’clock)
2nd Restart Wall 8 after 32 count (facing 6 o’clock)


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