CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Cuz I Said So

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Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - November 2010
Cause I Said So - Ne-Yo
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Starts On Vocal.. (24 Counts)

Step, Rock & Together, Knee Pop, Stomp, Hitch, Coaster Step.
1Step forward on Left.
2&3Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left, step Right next to Left.
4Pop Left knee forward (heel comes up) as Right hip pushes out slightly. (Right leg is dead straight, weight on Right)
5-6Push Left heel down as you lift Right slightly & stomp Right forward, hitch Right knee.
7&8Step back on Right, step Left next to Right, step forward on Right.

1/4 Cross, Rock & Cross, 1/4, Back, Back, Back, 1/4 Rock & Cross.
1Make 1/4 turn to Left cross stepping Left over Right.
2&3Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.
4-6Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, walk back Right-Left.
7&8Make 1/4 turn to Right rocking Right to Right side, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.

Side, Behind 1/4 Side, Rock & 1/4 , Sailor 1/2, Step.
1Step Left to Left side.
2&3Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward Left, step right to Right side.
4&5Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left.
6&7Cross step Right behind Left making 1/4 turn to Right, step Left next to Right, make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right. (9:00)
8Step forward on Left.

Step, Rock & Step, Back & Pop & Pop, Walk, Walk.
1Step forward on Right.
2&3Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step back on Left.
4&5Step Right behind Left so Right instep faces Left heel (L knee facing 9:00, R knee facing 12:00, body will turn slightly to face Right diagonal 10:30), lift both heels as knees pop forward, lower heels.
&6Lift both heels as knees pop forward, lower heels.
7-8Walk forward Left-Right straightening up to (9:00)

1/4 Cross, Point, Touch & Touch, Step Down, Back, Back Together, 1/2 .
1-2Make 1/4 turn to Left cross stepping Left over Right, point Right to Right side.
3&4Touch Right next to Left, point Right to Right side, touch Right next to Left (Right heel raised).
5-6Press Right heel down, step back on Left.
7&8Step back on Right, step Left next to Right, make 1/2 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.

Rock Step, Back, Back, 1/4, Cross, Back, Side, Cross.
1-2Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
&3-4Step back on Left, step back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side.
5-8Cross Right over Left, step back on Left, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.

Unwind 1/2, Kick & Step (Shorty), Step, Rocking Chair.
1Unwind 1/2 turn to Right (weight on Left).
2&3Kick Right forward diagonal Right, step Right next to Left as you bend knees slightly & turning slightly to Left diagonal, step forward on Left straightening up.
4Step forward on Right.
5-8Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, rock back on Left, recover on Right.

Step , Cross, Back, 1/4, Together. Forward, Together, Back, Back, Together.
1Step forward on Left.
2&3Cross Right over Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, Right to Right side.
4Step Left next to Right.
5&6Step forward on Right, step Left next to Right, step back on Right.
7-8Step back on Left, step Right next to Left.


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